
Tools and script for examining and resigning apk files

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT



Tools and script for examining and resigning apk files.


To install, place apkHelper and its dependencies in your /usr/bin folder.


Get package name and version information

$ apkHelper summary /path/to/the/file.apk

If no apk is specified, a summary of the first apk (alphabetically) in the current directory is printed.

Sign an apk

$ apkHelper sign --keystore /path/to/file.keystore --keypass [keypass] --storepass [storepass] [theApk] [keystoreAlias]

The --keystore option is not necessary as long as a path to the keystore is provided after the sign command.

Likewise, --keypass [keypass] and --storepass [storepass] can be left off. If not present in the command, you will be prompted for a keypass and storepass.

Zipalign an apk

$ apkHelper zipalign [theUnalignedApk] [nameForAlignedApk]

If no [nameForAlignedApk] is given, the aligned apk will be saved as [theUnalignedApk]-zipaligned.apk.

For example, myApp.apk would be named myApp-zipaligned.apk.

Sign and zipalign all apks in current directory

$ apkHelper all --keystore /path/to/file.keystore --keypass [keypass] --storepass [storepass] [keystoreAlias] [--force]

This will try to sign and zipalign all apk's in the current directory with the specified keystore. If a signing or zipalignment fails, the script will stop. The --force/-F option will allow the command to keep working on other apk's, even if there are failed signings and zipalignments.

The --keystore option is not necessary as long as a path to the keystore is provided after the sign command.

Likewise, --keypass [keypass] and --storepass [storepass] can be left off. If not present in the command, you will be prompted for a keypass and storepass.

Verify an apk

$ apkHelper verify [--certs] [theApk]

--certs is not necessary but provides certificate information about the apk.


apkHelper sign [ keystore ] [ options ] [ apk ] [ alias ]
apkHelper zipalign [ inputFile ] [ outputFile ]
apkHelper verify [ --certs ] [ apk ]
apkHelper summary [ apk ]
apkHelper all [ keystore ] [ options ] [ alias ] [ --force ]



apkHelper sign [ keystore ] [ options ] [ apk ] [ alias ]

Signs the apk with the keystore and alias.

Sign Options:

--keystore /path/to/file.keystore
specifies the keystore with which to sign

--keypass keypass
keypass for the keystore

--storepass storepass
storepass for the keystore

The --keystore option is not necessary as long as a path to the keystore is provided after the sign command.

Likewise, --keypass [keypass] and --storepass [storepass] can be left off. If not present in the command, you will be prompted for a keypass and storepass.


apkHelper zipalign [ inputFile ] [ outputFile ]

Zipaligns inputFile on a 32 bit alignment and saves the aligned file as outputFile.apk. For example, if the outputFile was myOutput or myOutput.apk, the name of the aligned file would be myOutput.apk.

If no outputFile is given, the aligned apk will be saved as inputFile-zipaligned.apk. For example, myApp.apk would be named myApp-zipaligned.apk.


apkHelper verify [ --certs ] [ apk ]

Verifies the signature of the apk.

Verify Options:

--certs provides certificate information about the apk


apkHelper summary [ apk ]

Outputs the version name, version code, and package name of apk. If no apk is given, it uses the first apk (alphabetically) in the current directory.


apkHelper all [ keystore ] [ options ] [ alias ] [ --force ]

Signs and zipaligns all files in the current directory with keystore and alias.

All Options:

--keystore /path/to/file.keystore
specifies the keystore with which to sign

--keypass keypass
keypass for the keystore

--storepass storepass
storepass for the keystore

must appear at end of command. will let the command keep going with the next apk in the directory if the current apk fails signing or zipalignment

The --keystore option is not necessary as long as a path to the keystore is provided after the sign command.

Likewise, --keypass [keypass] and --storepass [storepass] can be left off. If not present in the command, you will be prompted for a keypass and storepass.