



Build a todo app using Redux. This app does not require a Back-end to persist the data the redux store is enough for now.

A user should be able to:

  1. Create a ToDo
  2. Toggle a ToDo between completed and uncompleted
    • Clicking a non-completed ToDo should mark it as completed. Display the ToDo crossed out when completed.
    • Clicking a completed ToDo should mark the todo as active(not completed). Remove the crossing out.
  3. [BONUS] Filter by active(non-completed), completed, or all ToDos.

Address this in order. Set up your store, reducer an action for creating a todo first and verify it works then move to point 2 and 3.


A todo object should have the following properties.

  id: 1,
  text: "Buy groceries",
  completed: true // or false


Your state to store this information would look like:

  nextTodoId: 1,
  todos: [],
  visibilityFilter: "all" // One of "all", "completed" or "active"
  • nexTodoId is just a counter you will use to assign a simple id to your todos. Each time a new todo is added use the current value of nextTodoId to give your todo that id and increment nextTodoId there after for next time.
  • todos keeps todo objects.
  • When the user click's the button Completed you will set the visibilityFilter and filter todos for only todos that are completed and display those completed todos.
  • When the user click's the button Active you will filter todos for only todos that are not completed and display those non-completed todos to the user.


Here are some suggestions for your actions and action types. You can, of course, come up with your own:

  type: 'ADD_TODO',
  payload: {
    text: 'Do something.'  


These literally solve the lab.