
my work writing the DEC PDP-8 simulator


DEC PDP-8 simulator

All written on Win32forth, including the DEC assembler.

Since Forth is an interpretative language, you can compile test and run, on the PDP-8 simulator also on the Win32forth console simple type in your commands !

And also interact with the mouse over the DEC panel buttons, all switches work like the real machine. Have a look that there are some pre-configured switches in order to start more easily some demonstrations. For example -> there is a random led show, a program counter demo, etc. See on the menu, the descriptions of switch1,2,to 8.

See the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfbrnJBScP4&t=28s If you like Forth, you can get more information on books and videos, on my web-site with examples, etc all arround Win32forth

DEC-PDP8 Simulator