Simple Blog App

This is a basic Ruby on Rails application for creating and viewing articles. It includes a basic list of articles with links to view individual articles and create new ones. There is no styling (CSS) applied to the application.


To set up this project locally, follow these steps:


Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Ruby: The programming language used by Rails.


  1. Ensure you have Ruby installed. If not, download and install it from here.

  2. With Ruby installed, you can now install Rails:

        gem install rails
  3. Clone this repository to your local machine.

     git clone
     cd blog-rails
  4. Install the required Ruby gems using Bundler.If you encounter Ruby version errors here, change the version of ruby in the Gemfile

     bundle install
  5. Set up the database by running the following commands:

     rails db:create
     rails db:migrate
     rails db:seed
  6. Start the Rails server to run the application locally:

     rails server


  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Ensure you have Ruby installed by running ruby --version.

     ruby --version

If not, install Ruby using your package manager.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt-get install ruby-full
  1. With Ruby installed, you can now install Rails:

     gem install rails
  2. Clone this repository to your local machine.

     git clone
     cd blog-rails
  3. Install the required Ruby gems using Bundler. If you encounter Ruby version errors here, change the version of ruby in the Gemfile

     bundle install
  4. Set up the database by running the following commands:

     rails db:create
     rails db:migrate
     rails db:seed
  5. Start the Rails server to run the application locally:

     rails server


  • Article Listing: List all articles on the homepage.
  • View Article: View individual articles by clicking on their titles.
  • Create Article: Form to create a new article.
  • Edit Article: Ability to edit existing articles.
  • Delete Article: Ability to delete articles.
  • Article Validations: Validations for article title and content.
  • Comment on Articles: Add comments to articles.
  • Basic Navigation: Links to navigate between different pages.


This Ruby Project is part of the curriculum provided by The Odin Project, an open-source online platform that offers free resources to learn web development.