
Basics™ Station Packet Forward protocol using Docker

Primary LanguageShell

LoRa Basics™ Station for Docker

This project deploys a LoRaWAN gateway with Basics™ Station Packet Forward protocol using Docker or Balena.io. It runs on a PC, a Raspberry Pi, Compute Module or balenaFin with SX1301, SX1302, SX1303 or SX1308 LoRa concentrators (e.g. RAK831, RAK833, RAK2245, RAK2246, RAK2247, RAK2287, RAK5146, Seeed WM1302 and IMST iC880a among others).

Table of Contents


Deploy a LoRaWAN gateway running the Basics™ Station Semtech Packet Forward protocol in a docker container or as a balena.io application. The Basics™ Station protocol enables the LoRa gateways with a reliable and secure communication between the gateways and the cloud and it is becoming the standard Packet Forward protocol used by most of the LoRaWAN operators.

Main features:

  • Support for AMD64 (x86_64), ARMv8 and ARMv7 architectures.
  • Support for SX1301 SPI concentrators.
  • Support for SX1302 and SX1303 SPI and USB (CoreCell) concentrators.
  • Support for SX1308 SPI and SX1308 USB (PicoCell) concentrators.
  • Support for multiple concentrators on the same device (using one Basics™ Station for Docker service).
  • Compatible with The Things Stack (Comunity Edition / TTNv3) or Chirpstack LNS amongst others.
  • CUPS & LNS protocol configuration supported
  • Gateway autoprovision for TTS servers (TTI or TTN)
  • Almost one click deploy with auto-discover features and at the same time highly configurable.

Based on Semtech's Basics™ Station code.

This project is available on Docker Hub (https://hub.docker.com/r/xoseperez/basicstation) and GitHub (https://github.com/xoseperez/basicstation-docker).

This project has been tested with The Things Stack Community Edition (TTSCE or TTNv3).



As long as the host can run docker containers, the Basics™ Station for Docker service can run on:

  • AMD64: most PCs out there
  • ARMv8: Raspberry Pi 3/4/5, 400, Compute Module 3/4, Zero 2 W,...
  • ARMv7: Raspberry Pi 2,...

NOTE: you will need an OS in the host machine, for some SBC like a Raspberry Pi that means and SD card with an OS (like Rasperry Pi OS) flashed on it.

LoRa Concentrators

Tested LoRa concentrators:

NOTE: Other concentrators might also work. If you manage to make this work with a different setup, report back :)

NOTE: The Basics™ Station project is not compatible with SX1301 USB LoRa concentrators. This means that you won't be able to use it with a RAK2247-USB.

NOTE: SPI concentrators in MiniPCIe form factor will require a special Hat or adapter to connect them to the SPI interface in the SBC. USB concentrators in MiniPCIe form factor will require a USB adapter to connect them to a USB2/3 socket on the PC or SBC. Other form factors might also require an adaptor for the target host.


If you are going to use docker to deploy the project, you will need:

  • An OS running your host (Linux or MacOS for AMD64 systems, Raspberry Pi OS, Ubuntu OS for ARM,...)
  • Docker (and optionally docker-compose) on the machine (see below for installation instructions)

If you are going to use this image with Balena, you will need:

On both cases you will also need:

  • A The Things Stack V3 account here
  • balenaEtcher to burn the OS image on the SD card of eMMC for SBC if you have not already done so

Once all of this is ready, you are able to deploy this repository following instructions below.

Installing docker & docker compose on the OS

If you are going to run this project directly using docker (not using Balena) then you will need to install docker on the OS first. Instruction on how to install docker can be found in the official documentation here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/. Below you have a summary of the steps required to install it using the convenience script provided by docker:

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
newgrp docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

Once done, you should be able to check the instalation is alright by testing:

docker --version

Note than on previous versions of docker, compose was a 3rd party utility you had to install manually (sudo pip3 install docker-compose).

Deploy the code

Via docker-compose

You can use the docker-compose.yml file below to configure and run your instance of Basics™ Station for Docker connected to TTNv3:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host      # required to read main interface MAC instead of virtual one
      MODEL: "SX1303"
      TC_KEY: "..."         # Copy here your API key from the LNS

Modify the environment variables to match your setup. You will need a gateway key (TC_KEY variable above) to connect it to your LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS). If you want to do it beforehand you will need the Gateway EUI. Check the Get the EUI of the Gateway section below to know how. Otherwise, check the logs messages when the service starts to know the Gateway EUI to use.

Once you have it configured deploy the service via:

docker compose up

It will show you the service log as it boots and starts receiving packages. You can Ctrl+C to stop it. To run it in the background (once you check everything works OK) just do:

docker compose up -d

Since the restart property in the docker-compose.yml file is set to unless-stopped the machine will start the container every time it reboots. To stop the container just type (while in the same folder):

docker compose down


docker stop basicstation

Build the image (not required)

In case you can not pull the already built image from Docker Hub or if you want to customize the cose, you can easily build the image by using the buildx extension of docker and push it to your local repository by doing:

docker buildx bake --load aarch64

Once built (it will take some minutes) you can bring it up by using xoseperez/basicstation:aarch64 as the image name in your docker-compose.yml file. If you are not in an ARMv8 64 bits machine (like a Raspberry Pi 4) you can change the aarch64 with armv7hf (ARMv7) or amd64 (AMD64).

The default built is the stdn variant that supports multiple radios. In case you want to build the std variantyou can do it like this:

VARIANT=std docker buildx bake --load aarch64

The included build script in the root folder can be user to build all architectures and (optionally) push the to a repository. The default repository is https://hub.docker.com/r/xoseperez/basicstation which you don't have permissions to push to (obviously), but you can easily push the images to your own repo by doing:

REGISTRY="registry.example.com/basicstation" ./build.sh --push

Running this project is as simple as deploying it to a balenaCloud application. You can do it in just one click by using the button below:

balena deploy button

Follow instructions, click Add a Device and flash an SD card with that OS image dowloaded from balenaCloud. Enjoy the magic 🌟Over-The-Air🌟!

If you are a balena CLI expert, feel free to use balena CLI.

  • Sign up on balena.io
  • Create a new application on balenaCloud.
  • Clone this repository to your local workspace.
  • Using Balena CLI, push the code with balena push <application-name>
  • See the magic happening, your device is getting updated 🌟Over-The-Air🌟!

Configure the Gateway

Basics™ Station Service Variables

These variables you can set them under the environment tag in the docker-compose.yml file or using an environment file (with the env_file tag). If you are using Balena you can also set them in the Device Variables tab for the device (or globally for the whole application). Only MODEL and TC_KEY are mandatory.

Variable Name Value Description Default
MODEL STRING Concentrator model (see Define your MODEL section below) or AUTO If undefined or AUTO it will trigger auto-discover
INTERFACE SPI, USB, NET or AUTO Concentrator interface. Set to AUTO to use with auto-discover feature. If MODEL is defined it will get the interface type from it if possible, defaults to AUTO if the auto-discover feature is enabled or SPI otherwise.
DESIGN V2, PICOCELL or CORECELL Concentrator design version A fair guess will be done based on MODEL and INTERFACE
DEVICE STRING or AUTO Where the concentrator is connected to. Set to AUTO for auto-discover. /dev/spidev0.0 for SPI concentrators, /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0 for USB concentrators, the host IP port 3333 for NET connections
SPI_SPEED INT Speed of the SPI interface 2000000 (2MHz) for SX1301 concentrators, 8000000 (8Mhz) for the rest
CLKSRC INT Radio index that provides clock to concentrator 1 for SX1301 concentradors, 0 for the rest
USE_LIBGPIOD INT Use libgpiod (1) instead of default sysfs (0) to manage the GPIOs. The former is the recommended but not yet supported on all platforms. 0 (1 for Raspberry Pi 5)
GPIO_CHIP STRING GPIO ID to use when using libgpiod gpiochip0 (gpiochip4 for Raspberry Pi 5)
RESET_GPIO INT GPIO number that resets (Broadcom pin number, if not defined it's calculated based on the RESET_PIN) 17
POWER_EN_GPIO INT GPIO number that enables power (by pulling HIGH) to the concentrator (Broadcom pin number). 0 means no required. 0
POWER_EN_LOGIC INT If POWER_EN_GPIO is not 0, the corresponding GPIO will be set to this value 1
GATEWAY_EUI STRING Gateway EUI to use Autogenerated from GATEWAY_EUI_NIC if defined, otherwise in order from: eth0, wlan0, usb0
GATEWAY_EUI_SOURCE STRING Source to use when generating the EUI when GATEWAY_EUI is not defined. Set to chip for SX1302/3 chips to get the EUI from the radio chip. eth0
TTS_REGION STRING Region of the TTNv3 server to use eu1
TTS_TENANT STRING Tenant you are using (only if using TTI) (empty)
SERVER STRING Host machine that hosts the LNS Automatically created based on TTS_REGION for TTN or TTS_TENANT and TTS_REGION for TTI
TLS_SNI true or false Server name indication (SNI) check true
TC_URI STRING LoRaWAN Network Server to connect to Automatically created based on SERVER
TC_TRUST STRING CA certificate for the server Precached certificate
TC_CRT STRING Client certificate (only if required by the server)
TC_KEY STRING Unique gateway key or client key used to connect to the LNS
USE_CUPS 0 or 1 Set to 1 to force CUPS even without a CUPS_KEY variable or cups.key file 0
CUPS_URI STRING CUPS Server to connect to Automatically created based on SERVER
CUPS_TRUST STRING CA certificate for the CUPS server Precached certificate
CUPS_CRT STRING Client certificate (only if required by the server)
CUPS_KEY STRING Unique gateway key or client key used to connect to the CUPS server
GATEWAY_PREFIX STRING Prefix to autogenerate GATEWAY_ID for TTS/TTI/TTN autoprovision eui
GATEWAY_ID STRING ID to use when autoprovisioning the gateway on TTS/TTI/TTN GATEWAY_PREFIX + - + GATEWAY_EUI
GATEWAY_NAME STRING Name to use when autoprovisioning the gateway on TTS/TTI/TTN GATEWAY_ID
TTS_USERNAME STRING Name of your user on the TTS instance you want to register the gateway Paste your username
TTS_PERSONAL_KEY STRING Unique key to create the gateway and its key Paste personal API key from your TTS instance (check section about autoprovision below)
TTS_FREQUENCY_PLAN_ID STRING The Things Stack frequency plan (https://www.thethingsindustries.com/docs/reference/frequency-plans/) "EU_863_870_TTN"
GW_RESET_PIN Deprecated Use RESET_GPIO instead
RESET_PIN Deprecated Use RESET_GPIO instead
LORAGW_SPI Deprecated Use DEVICE instead
WHITELIST_NETIDS STRING List of NetIDs to whitelist, filters uplinks empty
WHITELIST_OUIS STRING List of OUIs to whitelist, filters join requests empty
TTN_REGION Deprecated Use TTS_REGION instead
GW_RESET_GPIO Deprecated Use RESET_GPIO instead
GW_POWER_EN_GPIO Deprecated Use POWER_EN_GPIO instead

No device-related setting is mandatory but MODEL and DEVICE must be defined for better performance. The service can auto-discover the concentrator but this feature takes some time on boot to walk through all the possible devices, designs and interfaces. Mind that not all concentrator types support auto-discover, defining a MODEL and DEVICE is mandatory for SX1301-concentrators.

Basics™ Station does require a minimum configuration to connect to the server: URL, CA certificate, client certificate and or client key, either for LNS or CUPS protocols. These are set with the TC_* and CUPS_* variables. Check the examples below.

When using CUPS (setting USE_CUPS to 1 or defining the CUPS_KEY variable), LNS configuration is retrieved from the CUPS server, so you don't have to set the TC_* variables.

If you have more than one concentrator on the same device, you can set the Basics™ Station for Docker service to use both at the same time. Check Advanced configuration section below to know more. You can also bring up two instances of Basics™ Station on the same device to control two different concentrators. In this case you will want to assign different DEVICE, GATEWAY_EUI and TC_KEY values to each instance.

Define your MODEL & DESIGN

The model is defined depending on the version of the LoRa concentrator chip: SX1301, SX1302, SX1303 or SX1308. You can also use the concentrator module name or even the gateway model (for RAKwireless gateways). Actual list of valid values:

  • Semtech chip model: SX1301, SX1302, SX1303, SX1308
  • Concentrator modules: IC880A, R11E-LORA8, R11E-LORA9, RAK2245, RAK2246, RAK2247, RAK2287, RAK5146, RAK831, RAK833, WM1302
  • RAK WisGate Development gateways: RAK7243, RAK7243C, RAK7244, RAK7244C, RAK7246, RAK7248, RAK7248C, RAK7271, RAK7371

If the module is not on the list check the manufacturer to see which one to use. It's important to set the MODEL variable (in you docker-compose.yml file or in balenaCloud) to the correct one. The default model is the SX1301.

Based on the MODEL and the INTERFACE (SPI or USB), the service will try to guess the concentrator design (see https://doc.sm.tc/station).

  • V2 design is used with SX1301 and SX1308 concentrators with SPI interface.
  • PicoCell design defines SX1308-based concentrators with USB interface.
  • CoreCell design is in use with SX1302 and SX1303 concentrators, both SPI and USB interface.

Get the EUI of the Gateway

LoRaWAN gateways are identified with a unique 64 bits (8 bytes) number, called EUI, which can be used to register the gateway on the LoRaWAN Network Server. You can check the gateway EUI (and other data) by inspecting the service logs or running the command below while the container is up (--network host is required to get the EUI from the host's NICs):

docker run -it --network host --rm xoseperez/basicstation:latest gateway_eui

You can do so before bringing up the service, so you first get the EUI, register the gateway and get the KEY to populate it on the docker-compose.yml file. If you are specifying a different source to create the EUI from (see the GATEWAY_EUI_SOURCE variable above), you can do it like this:

docker run -it --network host --rm -e GATEWAY_EUI_SOURCE=wlan0 xoseperez/basicstation:latest gateway_eui

Or query what will the EUI be using the chip ID (only for Corecell concentrators), here with --privileged to have access to host's devices:

docker run -it --privileged --rm -e GATEWAY_EUI_SOURCE=chip xoseperez/basicstation:latest gateway_eui

If using balenaCloud the EUI will be visible as a TAG on the device dashboard. Be careful when you copy the tag, as other characters will be copied.

CUPS and LNS protocols

Basics™ Station defines two different protocols: LNS and CUPS. For most cases you can use just the LNS protocol.

LNS stands for LoraWAN Network Server. The gateway will contact the LNS using the LNS protocol over WSS to get the actual endpoint and start exchanging uplink and downlink messages. To configure the Basics™ Station for Docker service in LNS mode you will have to provide the TC_KEY at least. TC_URI and TC_TRUST are set to use TTN by default (using the TTS_REGION variable to identify the cluster). If you are not using TTN you will have to set TC_URI and (probably) TC_TRUST as well.

CUPS stands for Configuration and Update Server. When CUPS is configured the gateway contacts the CUPS server using HTTPS at boot and regularly to query for configuration changes (new LNS URI, for instance) and firmware updates. The server responds with the URI for the LNS and the required keys to connect to it using the LNS protocol. To configure the Basics™ Station for Docker service in CUPS mode you will have to either define USE_CUPS to 1 or provide the CUPS_KEY. CUPS_URI and CUPS_TRUST are set to use TTN by default (using the TTS_REGION variable to identify the cluster). If you are not using TTN you will have to set CUPS_URI and (probably) CUPS_TRUST as well.

Configure your gateway with The Things Stack CE (TTNv3)

If you plan to use The Things Network, set the TTS_REGION variable. It needs to be changed if your region is not Europe. The default value is eu1 for the European server. The value of this variable is used to create TC_URI or CUPS_URI automatically if they are not defined.

You will also have to configure the gateway in The Things Stack CE (also known as TTNv3). To do so follow these steps:

  1. Create a gateway

    • Sign up at The Things Stack console using the cluster closest to your gateway location.
    • Click Go to Gateways icon.
    • Click the Add gateway button on the top right.
    • Introduce the data for the gateway.
    • Paste the EUI of the gateway (see Get the EUI of the Gateway section above).
    • Complete the form and click Register gateway.
  2. Create an API key to exchange data

    • Under the gateway page, select the API keys menu on the left.
    • Click Add API key button.
    • Select Grant individual rights and then check these rights:
      • Link as Gateway to a Gateway Server for traffic exchange ...
    • Click Create API key.
    • Copy the created API key.
    • If you are using the LNS protocol, then paste this API key to the TC_KEY variable in your docker-compose.yml file or on balenaCloud.
  3. Create an API key for the CUPS protocol (only if using CUPS protocol)

    • Under the gateway page, select the General settings menu on the left.
    • Paste the key created on the previous step to the LoRa Basics™ Station LNS Authentication Key field.
    • Now, go back to create a new key by selecting the API keys menu on the left again.
    • Click Add API key button.
    • Select Grant individual rights and then check these rights:
      • View gateway information
      • Retrieve secrets associated to the gateway
      • Edit basic gateway settings
    • Click Create API key.
    • Copy the created API key.
    • Paste this API key to the CUPS_KEY variable in your docker-compose.yml file or on balenaCloud.

More information on these pages:

Autoprovision your gateway on TTN or TTI

These variables you can autoprovision the gateway using the The Things Stack REST API, compatible with The Things Cloud and The Things Cloud Community (TTN): GATEWAY_PREFIX, GATEWAY_ID, GATEWAY_NAME, TTS_USERNAME, TTS_PERSONAL_KEY, TTS_FREQUENCY_PLAN_ID. Only TTS_USERNAME and TTS_PERSONAL_KEY are mandatory to configure autoprovisioning, the rest have sensible defaults you can use. This is specially useful when deploying a fleet of gateways with the same hardware. You only have to define MODEL, TTS_USERNAME and TTS_PERSONAL_KEY at fleet level and the gateways will autoregister and provision the keys to connect to your TTN instance.

An example docker-compose.yml file to autoprovision a gateway to the european server of TTN (that's the default) would be:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      MODEL: "SX1303"
      TTS_USERNAME: "xoseperez" # use here your TTN user name
      TTS_PERSONAL_KEY: "NNSXS.E2CK53N....." # use here a personal key with the required permissions

TTS_PERSONAL_KEY should be a key with, at least, the following permissions:

  • link as Gateway to a Gateway Server for traffic exchange, i.e. write uplink and read downlink
  • view and edit gateway API keys
  • edit basic gateway settings
  • create a gateway under the user account

Remember that when using TTN the GATEWAY_NAME and GATEWAY_ID must be unique over time (including deleted gateways).

The autoprovision process is going to create the gateway and a single use TC_KEY. The TC_KEY will be stored on the mounted config volume or inn your Balena Dashboard if used from Balena. If you are not using Balena or you don't have a mounted volume, the TC_KEY will be regenerated every time you reboot the service and the previous key will be deleted.

You might want to change the TTS_REGION if not using the european server, set TTS_TENANT if using a The Things Clound instance or SERVER if using a on-premise instance of The Things Stack.

Configure your gateway with ChirpStack v4

You first have to have a Chirpstack v4 servie running with proper certificates. You can build the certificates using https://github.com/brocaar/chirpstack-certificates and configuring the hostname, domain name or IP of the machine running ChirpStack on the different configuration files under the config folder. Then add the paths the generated certificates in the configuration files of the different services using https://github.com/brocaar/chirpstack-docker example code to deploy ChirpStack v4. Search for tls or certs in the config files and map the files to the ones created by the chirtstack-certificates project. Notice the folder names to know what file to add where.

Next, once you log into ChirpStack and create a gateway you have to generate the TLS certificates for the gateway. This option (inside the gateway configuration) will provide the following output: CA certificate, TLS certificate and TLS key.

Copy each of the values to the corresponding environment variable in your Basics™ Station for Docker docker-compose.yml file. The mapping should be:

ChirpStack Basics™ Station for Docker
CA certificate TC_TRUST
TLS certificate TC_CRT

An example docker-compose.yml file might look like this:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      MODEL: "SX1303"
      TC_URI: "wss://lns.example.com:8887"
      TC_TRUST: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

Configure your gateway with Actility ThingPark Community

ThingPark uses the CUPS server only for bootstrapping and providing an initial certificate to the gateway, then the secure TLS connection is established with the ThingPark LNS (called “LRC”) which manages all aspects of the LoRaWAN protocol as well as management and supervision. Therefore you don't need a CUPS_KEY, and there is no CUPS key you can define but you can force CUPS by setting USE_CUPS to 1. Check the example below:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /dev/spidev0.0
      - /dev/gpiochip0
      - ./config:/app/config
      MODEL: "RAK7244C"
      GATEWAY_EUI: "0011223344556677"
      USE_CUPS: 1
      CUPS_URI: "https://community.thingpark.io:443"

Configure your gateway with AWS LNS

To connect your gateway to AWS LNS (AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN) you first need the EUI for the gateway. You can get it by bringing up the container once. Once you have the EUI you need to create the gateway on the AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN dashboard and create the certificates for the device. Download the certificate files, you will need to copy their contents to the docker-compose.yml file. Check the example below.

Copy each of the values to the corresponding environment variable in your Basics™ Station for Docker docker-compose.yml file. The mapping should be:

AWS LNS Basics™ Station for Docker
The https URL provided in the dashboard CUPS_URI
Contents of the cups.trust file CUPS_TRUST
Contents of the nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn.cert.pem file CUPS_CERT
Contents of the nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn.private.key file CUPS_KEY

An example docker-compose.yml file might look like this:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host

      MODEL: "RAK5146"
      DEVICE: "/dev/ttyACM0"

      # CUPS configuration
      CUPS_URI: "https://A3IPHN70F6M9FY.cups.lorawan.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com:443"

Advanced configuration

In some special cases you might want to specify the radio configuration in detail (frequencies, power, ...). This will also be the case when you want to use more than one concentrator on the same gateway, using the same Basics™ Station for Docker service. You can do that by mounting the config folder on your host machine and providing custom files, like a specific station.conf file.

You can start by modifying the docker-compose.yml file to mount that folder locally:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      - ./config:/app/config
      MODEL: "SX1303"
      TC_KEY: "..."

Then bring up the service and it will populate several config files in this folder. Now you can shut the service down and proceed to edit these files to match your needs. Now, when you bring the service up again it will find the pre-created files and it will use them instead of creating new ones. The files you might want to change are:

  • station.conf: Main configuration file. It does not include frequencies and power since these are retrieved form the LNS. Check https://doc.sm.tc/station/conf.html.
  • slave-N.conf: Specific configuration file for each radio. They must exist, even if all settings are inherited from the station.conf file. In that case, the slave file will only contain an empty object: {}.
  • tc.uri: File containing the URL of the LNS.
  • tc.trust: File containing the certificate of the LNS server.
  • tc.cert: File containing the certificate for the client.
  • tc.key: File containing the certificate key of the gateway to connect to the LNS server or the API key.
  • cups.uri: File containing the URL of the CUPS.
  • cups.trust: File containing the certificate of the CUPS server.
  • cups.cert: File containing the certificate for the client.
  • cups.key: File containing the client certificate key of the gateway to connect to the CUPS server or the API key.

NOTE: remember that, when using CUPS, tc.uri, tc.trust and tc.key are retrieved automatically from the CUPS server.

NOTE: files in the config folder take precedence over variables, so if you mount a config folder with a station.conf file, the DEVICE or GATEWAY_EUI variables will not be used. If you want to change any of them, you will have to modify the file manually or delete it so it will be recreated form the variables again.

Example slave configuration for a device using 2 radios for antenna divertisy (sectorial antennas, for instance). Note that you can mix different type of radios (SX1202/SX1203 or USB/SPI) as long as you don't mix SX1301 with SX1302/3 radios (they use different binaries).

$ cat config/slave-0.conf 
    "SX1302_conf": {
        "device": "usb:/dev/ttyACM0",
        "pps": true
$ cat config/slave-1.conf 
    "SX1302_conf": {
        "device": "spi:/dev/spidev0.0",
        "pps": false

When running from an existing config folder the service log will show Mode: STATIC otherwise it will show Mode: DYNAMIC.

Running with less privileges

You might have seen that on the examples above we are running docker in privileged mode and using host network. This is the simplest, more straight-forward way, but there are ways to run it without these. Let's see how.

On one side, the host network is required to access the MAC of the host interface instead of that of the virtual interface. This MAC is used to create the Gateway EUI. The virtual MAC changes everytime the container is created, so we need to access the physical interface because that one does not change. But if you set the Gateway EUI manually, using the GATEWAY_EUI variable, then this is not needed anymore.

On the other side privileged mode is required to access the port where the concentrator is listening to (either SPI or USB) and the GPIOs to reset the concentrator for SPI modules. You can get rid of these too by sharing the right device in the container and also the /dev/gpiochip0 device so the container can reset the concentrator.

Therefore, an example of this workaround for an SPI concentrator would be:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /dev/spidev0.0
      - /dev/gpiochip0
      MODEL: "RAK5146"
      GATEWAY_EUI: "E45F01FFFE517BA8"
      TC_KEY: "..."

For a USB concentrator you would mount the USB port instead of the SPI port and you won't need to share the /dev/gpiochip0 device.

Using secrets

A more secure way to provide the different certificates to the service is using docker secrets. Using secrets has a number of benefits over environment variables. Data is only accessible to the service where the secrets has been added to and the actual content is hidden from logs and container inspection.

You can start by modifying the docker-compose.yml file to define and use secret files within the basicstation container:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
      - tc.key
      - /dev/spidev0.0
      - /dev/gpiochip0
      MODEL: "RAK5146"
      GATEWAY_EUI: "E45F01FFFE517BA8"

    file: ./tc.key

The service accepts the following secrets named exactly as the basicstation configuration files:

  • tc.uri
  • tc.trust
  • tc.crt
  • tc.key
  • cups.uri
  • cups.trust
  • cups.crt
  • cups.key


The auto-discover feature is capable of finding connected concentrators to SPI and USB ports as long as they are Corecell or Picocell ones (SX1302, SX1303 and SX1308-based).

This feature walks the corresponding interfaces until it finds the required concentrator and then resets the DEVICE and INTERFACE variables accordingly. Doing so takes some time on boot (up to 3 seconds for each device it checks), if you want to speed up the boot process you can set the DEVICE explicitly after looking for it with the find_concentrator utility (see Find the concentrator section below).

Auto-discovery is triggered in different situations:

  • No MODEL defined or set to AUTO: It will search for a concentrator on all interfaces. Interfaces to check can be narrow by using the INTERFACE setting. Also the concentrator type to search for can be specified using the DESIGN setting (corecell, picocell or 2g4 are supported).
  • MODEL defined but no DEVICE or set to AUTO: It will search for the specific concentrator type (based on MODEL) on all interfaces. Interfaces to check can be narrow by using the INTERFACE setting.

The following example will start a Corecell concentrator (RAK5146 is based on SX1303) on whatever first interface it finds it (SPI or USB).

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      MODEL: "RAK5146"
      DEVICE: "AUTO"

This other example, the auto-discover feature will search for SPI concentrators and select the second one it finds.

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      RADIO_NUM: 2

Find the concentrator

The service comes with an utility that tries to find existing concentrators connected to the device. Unlike the auto-discover feature this tool can be run without actually running the packet forwarder service. It works with CoreCell concentrators only.

You can run the tool (with the service shut down) by:

docker run --privileged --rm xoseperez/basicstation find_concentrator

You can also run it from a docker-compose.yml file folder:

docker compose run basicstation find_concentrator

By default it will reset the concentrator using GPIO6 and GPIO17, if you know the reset pin is connected to any other GPIO(S) you can use the RESET_GPIO environment variable:

docker run --privileged --rm -e RESET_GPIO="12 13" xoseperez/basicstation find_concentrator

Finally, you can also limit the interfaces to scan by setting SCAN_USB or SCAN_SPI to 0, so this command below will only scan for USB concentrators:

docker run --privileged --rm -e SCAN_SPI=0 xoseperez/basicstation find_concentrator

The output will be a list of concentrators with the port they are connected to and the EUI:

DEVICE             DESIGN             ID           
/dev/spidev0.0     corecell           0016C001FF1E5008   
/dev/ttyACM0       corecell           0016C001FF1BA2BE 

Raspberry Pi 5

The new Raspberry Pi 5 requires using the gpiod library to access the GPIO to reset SPI concentrators. The service automatically detects the Raspberry Pi 5 and sets these default like in the example below, but you can still override them:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /dev/spidev0.0
      - /dev/gpiochip4
      MODEL: "RAK5146"
      GPIO_CHIP: "gpiochip4"


From version 2.8.1, the service supports message filtering via white lists. There are two whitelists: by NetID and by OUI.

To filter only devices belonging to your network you can add the NetID of your LNS to the WHITELIST_NETIDS setting. More than one NetID can be added (comman or space separated). They can also be added in decimal (TTN is 19) or hexadecimal with leading 0x (TTN is 0x000013). If WHITELIST_NETIDS is nt set or empty, no filtering happens.

The example below filters out all messages from devices not belonging to TTN/TTI:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      MODEL: "RAK5146"
      GATEWAY_EUI: "E45F01FFFE517BA8"
      WHITELIST_NETIDS: "0x000013"
      TC_KEY: "..."

The NetID is identified by the device address (DevAddr). But if the device has not yet joined the network it does not have a DevAddr. If you want to filter join requests from unknown devices you can do so filtering by OUI. OUI, or Organizational Unique Identifier, are the first 3 bytes of the DevEUI and identfies the manufacturer. To accept join requests from certain devices you can add the OUI of their manufacturer to the WHITELIST_OUIS variable like in the eample below:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      MODEL: "RAK5146"
      GATEWAY_EUI: "E45F01FFFE517BA8"
      WHITELIST_OUIS: "0xA81758","0xA91555"
      TC_KEY: "..."


  • It's possible that on the TTN Console the gateway appears as Not connected if it's not receiving any LoRa message. Sometimes the websockets connection among the LoRa Gateway and the server can get broken. However a new LoRa package will re-open the websocket between the Gateway and TTN or TTI.

  • The RAK833-SPI/USB concentrator has both interfaces and they are selected using a SPDT switch in the module. Since this is an SX1301-based concentrator only the SPI interface is supported so you will have to assert pin 17 in the MiniPCIe gold-finger of the concentrator LOW. This can be done using the POWER_EN_GPIO and POWER_EN_LOGIC variables. If using a RAK 2247 Pi Hat or RAK 2287 Pi Hat this pin is wired to GPIO20 in the Raspberry Pi. So a working configuration for this concentrator would be:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      MODEL: "RAK833"
      POWER_EN_GPIO: 20
      TC_KEY: "..."

Feel free to introduce issues on this repo and contribute with solutions.

Connect to a concentrator remotely

From version 2.8.0, you have the option to connect to a remote concentrator via a TCP link. This is useful to use the service with MacOS since Docker Desktop for MacOS does not let you passthrough USB devices. Therefore you can bypass the USB device as a TCP connection using ser2net and mount it back as a UART device inside the container.

First step is to stream the USB device as a TCP connection using ser2net. An example configuration file is provided but you will have to change the port of your USB device accordingly:

connection: &con3333
    accepter: tcp,,3333
    enable: on
      kickolduser: true
    connector: serialdev,

In the example above (ser2net.yaml file provided with this repo) port /dev/ttyACM1 is mapped to using 115200bps, 8N1.

Attention: any machine with network access to port 3333 will be able to access the USB device, ser2net does not provide any security features. A more secure approach would be to link the service to your host docker IP.

You can run it as ser2net -c ser2net.yaml.

Once the USB device is available as a TCP stream, we can instruct Basics™ Station for Docker to use this connection. An example docker-compose.yml file can be as follows:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
      MODEL: "RAK5146"

When the service boots you will see the information about the network device being used in the summary. By default it will try to reach port 3333/tcp at the host. You can also specify a different connection in the DEVICE variable:

version: '2.0'


    image: xoseperez/basicstation:latest
    container_name: basicstation
    restart: unless-stopped
      MODEL: "RAK5146"
      DEVICE: ""


Parsers that used to be available under the tools folder have been moved to their own repo: https://github.com/xoseperez/packet-forwarder-loggers



The contents of this repository (not of those repositories linked or used by this one) are under BSD 3-Clause License.

Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Xose Pérez xose.perez@gmail.com All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. Neither the name of this project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.