
Extracting the useful things I need from log files

Primary LanguageGo


Searches a list of files and chops them into blocks separated by any line containing HEADER. It will then display it, with a new line, if the block also contains WANTED

Given an example file, receipts.txt such as this (but much longer)

Receipt 2018-05-01
Coffee 2.50
Bagel 3.00
Receipt 2018-05-14
Tea 1.75
Chocolate bar 0.60
Receipt 2018-05-15
Coffee 2.50
Bun 0.75

How would you extract the receipts that include Coffee? Assuming you are not a sed or awk master

  chop --header Receipt --wanted Coffee receipts.txt

Which will return

Receipt 2018-05-01
Coffee 2.50
Bagel 3.00

Receipt 2018-05-15
Coffee 2.50
Bun 0.75

A bit dull really but damn useful when wading through multi gigabyte log files :)

Additionally you can have UNWANTED which will suppress the display of the text if it contains the UNWANTED text. WANTED and UNWANTED can be used in combination

  chop --header Receipt --wanted Coffee --unwanted Bagel receipts.txt

Which will return

Receipt 2018-05-15
Coffee 2.50
Bun 0.75

Note: When neither WANTED or UNWANTED is given then HEADER will be used as WANTED