A Cross-platform USB Module for Qt built around libusb-1.0
- Bulk transfer
- Interrupt transfer
- Hotplug detection
- Device enumeration and filtering
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fpoussin/ppa
sudo apt install libqt5usb5 libqt5usb5-dev
Check the releases page or appveyor build artifacts for binary archives
You need libusb-1.0-0-dev and pkg-config packages installed
mkdir build && cd build
qmake ..
make install
MSVC 2017
You need WDK 8.1 and CRT SDK installed to compile libusb
These are both available from the Visual Studio Installer
build_msvc2017.bat [x64|x86] QT_PATH
ie: build_msvc2017.bat x64 C:\Qt\5.12.1\msvc2017_64
You'll need to add the module to your project file:
qt += usb
Then include it into your headers:
#include <QUsbDevice>
#include <QUsbInfo>
#include <QUsbTransferHandler>
QCH documentation files can be found with each release.
You have to manually install them in Qt Creator.
Ubuntu PPA
Windows binaries are in the releases section.