The instructions describe our setup process on an EC2 instance running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The steps should be similar if you use a server with Linux Distributions.
- Launch an EC2 instance on AWS with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- t2.micro (free-tier eligible) is good enough to test the deployment.
- Step 6: Configure Security Group (AWS EC2 Console)
- SSH (TCP) Port:22 Source:My IP
- HTTP(TCP) Port:80 Source:Anywhere
- Custom UDP Rule Port:14550 Source:Anywhere
- MAVLink(vehilce messages) is routed to 14550 via UDP in the current configuration. Any available port can be used instead of 14550.
- Create or use existing key pairs. This is used for SSH.
- Associate an Elastic IP to the EC2
- "An Elastic IP address is a static IPv4 address". It is a public address we use so the IP address of the deployed CloudStation will stay the same.
Learn more about it here:
- This is only a temporary solution but it serves our testing purpose well.
- Connect to Linux instance using an SSH client
- Set up EC2 (run only once)
The script does the following:- Update Ubuntu
- Install NGINX and docker
- Clone cloud_station_web source code
- Set up Python virtual environment (install dependencies)
- Modify cloud_station_web/webgms/
- Add EC2 IP address to ALLOWED_HOST
- Set DEBUG to False
- Configure NGINX, Daphne and Django (run only once)
The script does the following:- Write database migrations
- Collect staticfiles to ~cloud_station_web/static
- Configure NGINX with nginx.conf
- Configure systemctl to automatically run Daphne as a service(daphne.service)
- Download redis and start running redis in a docker container
- Reload server (after a code update)
The script does the following:- Write database migrations
- Collect staticfiles
- Reload NGINX and Daphne
- Run django_background_tasks
- Lyuyang Hu
- Omkar Pathak