PlayStation Bare Metal Mips Assembly Programming

Primary LanguageAssembly


PSX Bare Metal Code by krom (Peter Lemon).

All code compiles out of box with the Armips assembler by Kingcom.
I have included binaries & executables of all the demos.

Special thanks to the Hitmen demo group, who with their asm sources, helped me get into PSX Coding =D

Also I'd like to thank ARM9, who made the bin2exe.py file, to convert my PSX binaries into PSX exectuables.

Please check out NO$PSX, a PSX emulator/debugger by Martin Korth:

Also MAME has a great PSX emulator/debugger by smf:

Howto Compile:
All the code compiles into a single binary & executable (NAME.EXE) file.
Using Armips Run: make.bat

Howto Run:
I only test with a real PSX.

You can also use PSX emulators like NO$PSX which can load PSX executables directly, & MAME using this command:
mame pse -quik NAME.EXE