
A Django app for doing the OAuth dance with Canvas OAuth2 endpoints.

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Django Canvas OAuth

Django Canvas OAuth is a Django app that manages OAuth2 Tokens used to make API calls against a Canvas LMS instance.

The OAuth workflow is managed by this library and a CanvasOAuth2Token model is used to store authenticated tokens.

Tokens are short-lived, so some logic is introduced at the point of retrieving the the stored token to capture and handle the necessary refresh calls.


Requires python >= 3.6 and Django >= 2.0

pip install git+https://github.com/Harvard-University-iCommons/django-canvas-oauth.git#egg=canvas-oauth


  1. Add "canvas_oauth" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
    # ...
  1. Include the canvas_oauth URLconf in your project urls.py like this:
path('oauth/', include('canvas_oauth.urls')),
  1. Install middleware to begin the oauth2 dance when a token is not present and to consume any errors encountered by the library.
    # ...
  1. Run python manage.py migrate to create the canvas_oauth models.
  2. Use the get_oauth_token method from canvas_oauth.oauth to obtain a token. This method contains all of the logic to obtain a new token, refresh an expired one, or return an existing one.
from canvas_oauth.oauth import get_oauth_token

access_token = get_oauth_token(request)
#  Make request to the Canvas API using above token.


Settings should be added to your django settings module (e.g. settings.py).

(required) The client id is the integer client id value of your Canvas developer key.
(required) The client secret is the random string (secret) value of your Canvas developer key.
(required) The domain of your canvas instance (e.g. canvas.instructure.com)
(optional) Specify a list of Canvas API scopes that the access token will provide access to. Canvas API scopes may be found beneath their corresponding endpoints in the "resources" documentation pages. If the developer key does not require scopes and no scopes are specified, the access token will have access to all scopes. Defaults to [].
(optional) Specify a datetime.timedelta that will force a refresh of the access token before it expires according to the expires_in parameter included in the access token response. Defaults to timedelta(0).
(optional) Specify a template for rendering errors that occur in the authorization flow. Defaults to oauth_error.html.
(optional) Tell Canvas to replace any tokens issued by this app for the given user. Defaults to False.


Wherever you are making API requests in your code, use the get_oauth_token method to retrieve a token.


from canvas_oauth.oauth import get_oauth_token

def index(request):
    access_token = get_oauth_token(request)
    #  Make request to the Canvas API using above token.

Implementation notes:

  • The get_oauth_token assumes that request.user is authenticated.
  • The get_oauth_token method will raise an MissingTokenError exception if no token is present (e.g. new user). The exception is handled by the middleware, which then initiates the Oauth2 flow. The user will be returned to the original view once the authorization completes successfully.
  • The get_oauth_token method automatically refreshes expired tokens. By default, the token is not refreshed until it has fully expired. However, you can force the token to refresh earlier by configuring an expiration buffer period (defined as a timedelta by the consuming project).

Best practices:

  • Avoid storing the access token in a session to use across views. If you do so, your application will be responsible for handling invalid token errors that may arise when the token expires.


Setup environment:

$ python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/django-canvas-oauth
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/django-canvas-oauth/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

To run tests in your venv:

$ python run_tests.py

Or to run tests against multiple versions of python and django use tox:

$ tox
$ tox -e flake8

To update the coverage badge:

$ coverage run --source='.' run_tests.py
$ coverage-badge -f -o coverage.svg