
Simple Monix Task demonstration within a http4s-based JSON web-service

Primary LanguageScala

Monix Task, Http4s, Doobie, Circe, Postgres

The Postgres database can be created and pre-loaded with some data by running this simple command (provided you have docker running and docker-compose installed).

docker-compose up &

to check the data is loaded correctly:

# optionally, install potgres so you have the right tools (psql client):
brew install postgresql
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U cars
# password is 'cars'
# this will show the tables - you should see cars table
select * from cars;
# check the data is loaded correctly, stop scrolling through resultset by pressing 'q', and quit psql by pressing Ctrl+D

You run the app by typing

sbt run

Once the app has started running, get a listing of all the cars in the database by visiting http://localhost:8080/cars in your browser

date started working on this thing: 2018-05-26