Webpacker makes it easy to use the JavaScript preprocessor and bundler Webpack to manage application-like JavaScript in Rails. It coexists with the asset pipeline, as the purpose is only to use Webpack for app-like JavaScript, not images, css, or even JavaScript Sprinkles.
It's designed to work with Rails 5.1+ and makes use of the Yarn dependency management
that's been made default from that version forward. You can either make use of Webpacker
during setup of a new application with --webpack or you can uncomment the gem and run
bin/rails webpacker:install
in an existing application.
When Webpacker has been installed...
FIXME: Write the rest...
- Make asset pipeline digests readable from webpack, so you can reference images etc
- Consider chunking setup
- Consider switching to Webpack 2.0
- Consider on-demand compiling with digests when digesting=true
- I'm sure a ton of other shit
Webpacker is released under the MIT License.