
Very messy and rough modification of ArchiveBox Docker conf for rootless Podman

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


This is a horrible quick hack to get ArchiveBox to build under rootless podman. I am learning podman, including rootless, and I am almost certainly doing things wrong. You should not use this.

If you are content to use this messy approach, it is absolutely at your own risk.

podman run --user SOME_USER_ID --volume /path/to/archivebox/data:/data localhost/archivebox-on-podman server

Permissions on data directory

Outside of containerland, ensure chowned to the rootless podman-running user.


podman unshare chown -R SOME_USER_ID:SOME_USERID /path/to/archivebox/data

Adding new import

archivebox server
podman ps
podman run --rm -i --user SOME_USER_ID --volume /path/to/archivebox/data:/data localhost/archivebox-on-podman add < ~/somefile

Regular rebuild

Rebuild when a new critical fix in Chromium is released, as well as other dependent packages.

podman build --squash -t localhost/archivebox-on-podman .