
A very basic introduction to c++

Primary LanguageC++

c++ cheat sheet

This is a very basic set of examples for using c++. Start at "main.cpp" - everything else is called from there.

Get Compiler

Linux (ubuntu)

  • Two most common free compilers (probably already installed)
  • sudo apt install g++
  • sudo apt install clang++


  • Install homebrew
  • brew install g++
  • NOTE: For some reason, on mac, 'g++' is actually an alias for clang++. So, if you want to actually use g++ and not clang++, you need to point to the specific (e.g., g++ => g++-9)


  • With windows 10, the easiest way is to install 'windows subsystem for linux'
  • Enable 'windows subsystem for linux' under "Turn Windows Features on and off" - then restart your pc
  • Using the windows app store, install ubuntu
  • You will get a linux bash terminal that runs natively inside windows (not a virtual machine)
  • Your windows filesystem can be accessed from inside bash at /mnt/c/ (be very careful - there is no recycle bin, 'rm' is for life)
    • You cannot access the ubuntu filesystem from windows except through the terminal
  • Then, everything goes as it did for ubuntu


  • Two ways to compile.
  • Use Makefile. Once make is installed (sudo apt install make)
    • Simply run 'make' from command line
  • Alternatively: use old style:
    • g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp functions.cpp otherFunctions.cpp classExample.cpp VectorArraySTL.cpp random.cpp -o main
    • clang++ -std=c++11 main.cpp functions.cpp otherFunctions.cpp classExample.cpp VectorArraySTL.cpp random.cpp -o main
  • Then: run the executable: ./main

Online resources: