
Architecture: building a working computer from NAND gates

Primary LanguageAssembly


Architecture: building a working computer from NAND gates

This is the repo for my lab assignments when I am taking the first half of Nand2Tetris on coursera. This happened several months ago, right after I finished the final and have nothing better to do in the lockdown
but I remembered to push it to github only recently, bad habits!\

I remembered learning a special assembly that is so much easier than x86-64
and definitely easier than RISC-V assembly, something that is out of this world.
building NOT, AND, OR, XOR, MUX, DEMUX from nand gatess
and then use these gates to build register, ALU, Memory chip, clock
and finally build a working CPU out of it. There is also a task to build a monitor out of it but it didn't impress me much...
This all happens with a very simple educational hardware language. (NOT verilog)

Though abstraction is probably the most important thing in CS,
sometimes you wonder how things actually work underneath.