Website Performance Optimization portfolio project

This project is part 4 of the Front End Nanodegree by Udacity. It is used to teach about build files as well as JavaScript and CSS optimization

How to build

sudo apt-get install imagemagick graphicsmagick
git clone
cd website-optimization-fend
npm install
gulp build

How to view

You can just open index.html with a browser of your choice.

Optimizations performed

  1. created a gulpfile, which:
    • uglifies the JavaScript files used
    • reduces the css files to only the operations that required
    • inlines css that is required on page load
    • compresses the remaining css
    • compresses all images
  2. identified and removed a layout recalculating function in pizza.html scrolling
  3. identified and removed a layout recalculating function in pizza.html resizing
  4. optimized pageloading