
Object-Oriented Java Wrapper for Riot's Teamfight Tactics API

Primary LanguageJava


Spatula is an Object-Oriented Java Library, which takes over the Communication with the Teamfights Tactics API. It supports In-Memory caching and uses a (blocking) Rate Limiter. It makes retrieving Summoner Data, Match History, etc. much easier.

Other Projects:


Spatula can be included like this using Gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.Petersil1998:Core:v1.4'
    implementation 'com.github.Petersil1998:STCommons:v1.4'
    implementation 'com.github.Petersil1998:Spatula:v1.2'

or using Maven:




In Order for Spatula to work properly there are a few things you need to set up at the beginning of your application.

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // First we need to provide our Riot API Key. Ideally the API Key is encrypted
        Settings.setAPIKey(() -> EncryptionUtil.encrypt(System.getenv("API_KEY")));
        // If the provided API Key is encrypted, we need to provide a function to decrypt the API Key
        // We also need to provide a language. The language is used to static Data like Champions, Item, etc.
        // If we want to use caching we can enable it in the Settings. Caching is disabled by default
        // We also need to add the Loader for the static TfT Data
        Loader.addLoader(new TfTLoader());
        // Lastly we need to initialize the static Data

Now Spatula is ready and set up!


  • Summoner and Account Data

    public class Example {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Setup code...
            Summoner faker = Summoner.getSummonerByName("Faker", LeaguePlatform.KR);
            int summonerLevel = faker.getSummonerLevel();
            // Get the URL for the profile Icon
            String profileIconURL = Util.getProfileIconURL(faker.getProfileIcon());
            // Get Account
            Account account = Account.getAccountByPuuid(faker.getPuuid(), LeagueRegion.ASIA);
            // Get the Tag (e.g. Faker#KR1)
            String tag = account.toString();
  • Rank and Leagues

    public class Example {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Setup code...
            Summoner faker = Summoner.getSummonerByName("Faker", LeaguePlatform.KR);
            // Get TfT, Double Up and Hyper Roll Ranks
            PlayerRanks ranked = TfTRanked.getTfTRanksOfSummoner(faker.getId(), LeaguePlatform.KR);
            RankEntry tft = ranked.getRankTft();
            int lp = tft.getLeaguePoints();
            RankEntry doubleUp = ranked.getRankDoubleUp();
            HyperRollEntry hyperRoll = ranked.getRankHyperRoll();
            // Get Challenger TfT Players
            League challengers = TfTRanked.getChallengerLeague(LeaguePlatform.EUW);
            for(LeagueEntry leagueEntry: challengers.getEntries()) {
                // Get all players and their LP
                Summoner player = Summoner.getSummonerByID(leagueEntry.getSummonerId(), LeaguePlatform.EUW);
                int playerLp = leagueEntry.getLeaguePoints();
            // Get a list of Gold 1 TfT Players
            List<RankEntry> firstPage = TfTRanked.getTftRankEntries(RankedDivision.I, RankedTier.GOLD, LeaguePlatform.NA);
            List<RankEntry> secondPage = TfTRanked.getTftRankEntries(RankedDivision.I, RankedTier.GOLD, LeaguePlatform.NA, 2);
  • Match History

    public class Example {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Setup code...
            Summoner faker = Summoner.getSummonerByName("Faker", LeaguePlatform.NA);
            // Get the Player's Match History. The Seconds Parameter is a Filter.
            List<MatchDetails> matchHistory = MatchDetails.getMatchHistory(faker.getId(), LeagueRegion.ASIA, Map.of());
            MatchDetails latestGame = matchHistory.get(0);
            int duration = latestGame.getGameLength();
            // Get Set Number
            int setNumber = latestGame.getTftSetNumber();
            // Get all the Players
            List<Participant> participants = latestGame.getParticipants();
            for(Participant p: participants) {
                // Get the Companion used by the Player
                Companion companion = p.getCompanion();
                // Get the in-game Level at the end of the game
                int level = p.getLevel();
                // Get Number of Players eliminated
                int playersEliminated = p.getPlayerEliminated();
                // Get Units and Traits
                List<Participant.UnitData> units = p.getUnits();
                List<Participant.TraitData> traits = p.getTraits();

    The Match History Filter can have the following values:

    Key Description Type
    startTime Unix Timestamp in seconds. Only start Times after June 16th 2021 will have an effect. More long
    endTime Unix Timestamp in seconds. long
    start The offset of the first Match entry int
    count The Amount of Matches entries to return. Has to be between positive. int

    Note: All values need to be passed as Strings in the filter

  • Collections

    The package collection contains a bunch of Collections for static Data including:

    • Augments
    • Items
    • Tacticians
    • Traits
    • Units
    • QueueTypes

Feel free to give Feedback and add suggestions on how this library can be improved.
Thank you for using Spatula, you're awesome!