# A PVP Plugin for Siege Network **The final Jar is located in the build/libs/ folder.** Informational Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DJ6aXN4 Hiring/General Info: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/searching-for-a-developer.382281/ ## General Description So there is 3 gamemodes, Ranked 1v1, FFA and a Team PvP gamemode. The Ranked 1v1 gamemode is where 2 players meets eachother in a duel. When joining the queue for Ranked 1v1 you will be matched up against someone in your ELO or someone close to your ELO and ELO is like points and a skill level. So when I join the Ranked 1v1 and I have 1050 ELO then I will play against someone who has around 1050 elo it can be both less ELO and more ELO. When I win a game I will get more ELO so if I had 1050 ELO I would have 1065 ELO if I would win a match, but if I would lose the game I would lose 10 ELO so that means that I would have 1040 ELO after the game that I lost. All players starts at 1000 ELO when they first join the server or until they have played a match. The ELO in the plugin is very important because everything is balanced by the ELO. When doing /scoreboard it shows the top 10 players of my server. So if I would have 1065 ELO and you would have 1085 ELO that means that you would be in position 1 and me in position 2. The FFA gamemode is a simple one, when opening the Play Now menu you will see a bow and when clicking on the bow you will be teleported to the spawn for the FFA arena. When you join the FFA you will be given full iron armor, 1 iron sword, 1 fishing rod, 1 bow and 16 arrows. When killing a player you wont be given or lose any ELO because FFA is just for practice. When you die in FFA you will be teleported back to the FFA spawn and if you want to leave the FFA arena you will simply just type /leave and you will be teleported back to the server lobby. The Team PvP plugin is a 2v2 plugin where two different teams meet eachother, a player needs to go to the Play Now menu and then click on the skull and that will open the 2v2 menu. When clicking on the craftingtable in the 2v2 menu that means that a pre-team has created and the player that clicked on the crafting table is the team leader. When you have clicked on the crafting table you need to choose a map to play on, when you have selected a map to play on the team has successfully been created and players can now see the team in the first menu of the 2v2 gamemode and I explained about the wools in the imgur page! So when a team has been created and a player has joined the team and you have accepted the request you will join the queue automatically, when finding a team of two to play against it only searches for a random team and the elo doesn't matter in the 2v2 queue. When two teams has joined the queue the teleport countdown will start from 3 and down to 0 and when the countdown is done a 5 seconds countdown will start and when that's done the match has successfully started. And the first team to 3 wins the game and that's the same in the Ranked 1v1. When you win a Team PvP match you get 15 ELO and if you losse 10 ELO will be drawn from your account ## GENERAL COMMANDS <displayname> = GroupManager prefix Features: Menus for all gamemodes ELO Game Rank (the leaderboard rank) Global commands to these plugins: /setlobby -> Sets the lobby (when joining the lobby) /lobby -> Teleports to lobby, 0 seconds cooldown /record or /records -> See personal stats /record <player> -> See a players stats /save -> Saves the in-game hotbar while playing 1v1/2v2 /scoreboard -> Top 10 players (most elo) /accept <player> -> Accepts a duel challenge/team invite /leave queue -> Removes player from current duel or normal game queue Messages: Scoreboard (top 10): &6Viewing the top 10 players &61. &b<elo> <displayname> &62. &b<elo> <displayname> and so so on to the 10 player Records/Stats (personal and other player): <displayname>&6's Stats&8: &6Rank&8: &b%vault_rank% &6Ranked 1v1 ELO&8/&6Game Rank&8: &b1v1_elo>&8- #&b<game_rank> &6Ranked 1v1 Wins&8/&6Losses&8: &b<1v1_wins>&8/&b<1v1_losses> &6Unranked FFA Kills&8/&6Deaths&8: &b<ffa_kills>&8/&b<ffa_deaths> &6Team PvP Victories&8: &b<teampvp_wins> &6Team PvP Defeats&8: &b<teampvp_losses> No permission message: &cYou dont have permission to use this command! No permission to see other player stats: &cYou need to be premium to see others stats! Player not found: &cPlayer not found. Permission: game.setlobby -> Allowed to set the server lobby game.lobby -> Allowed to use /lobby command game.record -> Can see personal stats game.record.player -> Allowed to see other players stats game.save -> Can save inventory while playing 1v1/2v2 until you logout game.save.premium -> When having this permission your inventory will be saved the whole time game.scoreboard -> Allowed to see top 10 players ## UNRANKED FFA <displayname> = GroupManager prefix Features: Menus for all gamemodes ELO Game Rank (the leaderboard rank) Commands: /ffa -> Joins the ffa arena /leave -> Leaves the ffa arena /ffa setInv -> Sets the join inventory for ffa arena /ffa setSpawn -> Sets the spawn point when joining ffa arena /ffa setLeave -> Sets the leave point when leaving ffa arena// Messages: Join FFA: &6You succesfully joined the FFA arena. &6Type &b/leave &6to get back to the lobby. Leaves FFA: &6You successfully left the FFA arena. Kill: &6You have killed <displayname>&6! Death: <displayname> &6had &b<health> &6health left when they killed you. Permissions: ffa.join -> Can join the ffa arena ffa.leave -> Can leave the ffa arena ffa.setinv -> Can set ffa inventory ffa.setspawn -> Can set join point ffa.setleave -> Can set leave point ## RANKED 1V1 <displayname> = GroupManager prefix Features: Menus for all gamemodes ELO Game Rank (the leaderboard position/rank) Commands: /1v1 -> Opens the 1v1 menu (Screenshot: ) /challenge <player> or /duel <player> -> Sends a 1v1 duel to a player to 1v1 on any arena /1v1 arena add <name> <premium?> <built by> <description> -> Creates a 1v1 arena (use /n for multi-line description) /1v1 arena remove <arena> -> Removes a 1v1 arena /1v1 arena setSpawn1 <arena> -> Sets the first spawn when joining the arena /1v1 arena setSpawn2 <arena> -> Sets the second spawn when joining the arena /1v1 arena setFinish <arena> -> Sets the position where the losser and winner teleports after the game /1v1 setInv <arena> -> Sets the inventory + armor for the arena /1v1 enable/disable <arena> -> Enabled or disabled a arena. Enabled = Can play Disabled = Cannot play Messages: Challenge: &6A challenge has been sent to <displayname>&6. Challenged (1v1): &6You have been challenged by <displayname>&6! &6Type &b/accept <player> &6to play! Random Queue (this text shows up if you are in the random queue in 1v1): &6You are in position &b<position> &6of the queue. In Queue against player (this will show up if you have been challenged by a player and accepted): &6You and <displayname> &6are in position &b<position> &6of the queue. Player win broadcast: <displayname> &6just won against <displayname>&6! You won game: &6You won the game and gained &b15 &6points. You lost game: &6You lost the game and lost &b10 &6points. Game teleport: If you can do this, the countdown will be in the exp bar, so when it's 3 seconds until you teleport to the arena it says 3 then 2 then 1 Game starting: Same here, but now the counter starts at 5 seconds then 4 and so on... You won round: &6You have won the round! You lost round: &6You have lost the round! <displayname> &6had &b<health> &6health left when they killed you. Game overview (shows up after every round while playing): <displayname &f<rounds won> &7: &f<rounds won> <displayname> Save hotbar (default rank): &6Saved your &bhotbar &6setup until you logout. &6However, premium members get to keep it. &6Navigate throught our premium packages using &b/buy&6! Save hotbar (premium rank): &6Saved your &bhotbar &6setup forever! &6Thanks for supporting our server by donating. Permissions: 1v1.menu -> This allows the group to open the 1v1 menus. 1v1.challenge -> Can challenge a player 1v1.accept -> Can accept a challenge from a player 1v1.rjoin -> Allowed to join a random map 1v1.join.* -> Allowed to choose what map to join 1v1.first -> Jumps before default rank in the queue 1v1.arena.* -> Allowed to use all "arena create" commands (create,delete, setspawn, finish, inventory,enable/disable) ## TEAM PVP <displayname> = GroupManager prefix Features: Menus for all gamemodes ELO Game Rank (the leaderboard rank) Commands: /2v2 -> Opens the 2v2 menu /2v2 create -> Creates your team and you are the leader of it /challenge team <team leader> or /duel team <team leader> -> Challenges a team to a 2v2 game /accept team <team leader invitation> -> Accepts the 2v2 invitation /2v2 arena add <arena> -> Creates a 2v2 arena /2v2 arena remove <arena> -> Removes a 2v2 arena /2v2 arena setSpectate <arena> -> Sets the spectate position /2v2 arena setTeamRed1 <arena> -> Player 1/2 in team red will be teleported to this spawn when the game has started /2v2 arena setTeamBlue1 <arena> -> Player 1/2 in team blue will be teleported to this spawn when the game has started /2v2 arena setFinish <arena> -> Both teams will be teleported to this position when the match has ended /2v2 setInv <team> <arena> -> Sets the inventory + armor for the team and arena. /2v2 enable/disable <arena> -> Enabled or disabled a arena. Enabled = Can play. Disabled = Cannot play Messages: Invited to team: &6You have been invited to join &6Team <displayname>&6! &6Type &b/accept team <player>&6 to join the team! Team won broadcast: <teamcolor> <team leader+displayname> &6just won against <teamcolor> <team leader+displayname>&6! Example; &cTeam &2Notch &6just won against &9Team &2Herobrine&6! Game teleprot: If you can do this, the countdown will be in the exp bar, so when it's 3 seconds until you teleport to the arena it says 3 then 2 then 1 Game starting: Same here, but now the counter starts at 5 seconds then 4 and so on... Your team won round: &6Your team have won the round! You lost round: &6Your team have lost the round! Die message: <displayname> &6had &b<health> &6health left when they killed you. Your team won game: &6Your team won the game and you gained &b15 &6points. Your team lost game: &6Your team lost the game and you lost &b10 &6points. Game overview (shows up after every round while playing): &6Team <team leader> &f<rounds won> &7: &f<rounds won> &6Team <team leader> Save hotbar (default rank): &6Saved your &bhotbar &6setup until you logout. &6However, premium members get to keep it. &6Navigate throught our premium packages using &b/buy&6! Save hotbar (premium rank): &6Saved your &bhotbar &6setup forever! &6Thanks for supporting our server by donating. Player wants to join your team (message): <displayname> &&requested to join your team! Permissions: 2v2.menu -> Allowed to open all 2v2 menus 2v2.teamcreate -> Allowed to create 2v2 team 2v2.challenge.team -> Allowed to challenge a team 2v2.jointeam -> Can join a crafted team 2v2.accept.team -> Can accept a team challenge 2v2.rjoin -> Can join a random map when creating a 2v2 team 2v2.join.* -> Can join ALL maps in 2v2 2v2.arena.* -> Allowed to use all "arena create" commands (create,delete, setspawn, finish, inventory,enable/disable)