
Welcome to data mapper api by Agent Peter
# data-mapper-api

hosted endpoint

you can create data with a post request to Also get request to get all data

you can create data with a post request to Also get request to get all data

You can get specific data with provider id or addition querry parameters by sending a get request to

# Getting started in local machine

install dependencies by running npm install or yarn add depending on which you have in your machine or prefer.

Use postman and visit http://localhost/5000/api/com/data and make a post request by adding the following required fields in the body of your post request

# example of body of post request endPoint http://localhost/5000/api/data { providerId:number, name:"string", age:number, timeStamp : number }

# Get all data send a get request to http://localhost/5000/api/data

Get Provider data by sending a request to http://localhost/500/api/search/providerId

Get a specific data in a provider with the following query method http://localhost/500/api/search/ProviderId?name=value&age=value×tamp=value