
DEPRECATED, see https://github.com/PetorSFZ/sfz_tech

Primary LanguageC++zlib LicenseZlib


ZeroG - A Cross-API GPU API

Current state

Currently in very early development, not worth trying out unless you are interested in getting involved with development. Work is done in the Prototyping branch until it is in an early alpha-state, at which point master will become the main development branch. I accidentally rebased changes to master, so I guess master is the new prototyping branch. :P

About and goal

Zero-G is intended to be a high-level GPU API implemented on top of other GPU APIs. Somewhat similar to bgfx, but with slightly different design goals. The current target design goals are as follows:

  • Lightweight

    • No external dependencies (besides 3D APIs used)
    • Keep number of bundled dependencies down, keep it clean
    • Easy to build
    • Easy to integrate into existing codebases
    • Compact codebase, fast to compile
  • Easy to use, small API

    • DLL with C-API
    • Small C++ wrapper on top of C-API
  • No legacy

    • No legacy support whatsoever, only modern APIs supported
    • I.e., only Vulkan, D3D12 and Metal implementations
    • Possibly WebGPU in the future if sensible
    • Possibly D3D11 (mostly to debug and compare performance with D3D12 implementation)
  • Target modern, higher-performance GPUs

    • API should not make design concessions for limitations of low-end or old hardware
    • Lowest end hardware supported: Skylake Intel GPUs and latest mobile Apple GPUs.
  • GPU Compute first

    • Compute is the most important part of a modern GPU API
    • Compute should be as easy and intuitive to use as possible, it should not feel as an afterthought.
    • Ideally as similar to CUDA as possible, but not entirely realistic without making obnoxious intrusive additions (such as custom compilers that parses C++ source before the C++ compiler itself).
  • Prefer usability over CPU overhead

    • It is expected that most applications using ZeroG will be mostly GPU bound rather than CPU bound.
    • Keep GPU performance high, but be willing to sacrifice CPU performance for an easy to use API.
    • With that said, API should be both multi-threaded and deferred.
  • SPIR-V shaders

    • Use SPIR-V as primary shader format in order to allow the user to program in whatever shading language they want.
    • Optional functions to directly load whatever native shading language (e.g. HLSL) the API currently in use uses.
  • Access cutting-edge features

    • A major benefit on being on the latest graphics APIs is cutting-edge features
    • Examples include Shader Model 6 (wave intrinsics), DXR (raytracing), mesh shaders, etc.
    • These should be prioritized for inclusion into the API.
    • It is expected that users of ZeroG want to access features of newer graphics APIs, but are not willing to spend time writing all the boiler-plate necessary to use these APIs directly.


I am but one person, and I'm only working on this in my spare time. I will mostly focus on implement whatever I personally need for my own projects. If it turns out this project is too ambitious, or if I get bored of it, I will likely drop it.

When (and if) the project becomes usable I will try to open it up more, document it clearly and hopefully try to get the community involved.

Helping out

As I see it there are currently two ways of helping out, help out with development or provide funds so I can work on this professionally.

Development help will definitely be appreciated in the future, but its currently a bit too early for direct help. At this point discussions on how to design and structure the API is basically the only useful contributions.

As for funds and donations I would currently feel a bit bad about accepting them considering the very, very early state of development.

In any case, please contact me if you are interested in helping out! :)