
MultiLyrics is an alternative way to retrieve lyrics in MusicBee

Primary LanguageC#


MultiLyrics is an alternative way to retrieve lyrics in MusicBee.
Especially helpful when there's multiple songs with the same title or multiple lyrics versions.



This plugin uses 'sub-plugins' - providers. It's a .dll file placed in \MusicBee\Plugins\MultiLyrics_LyricsProviderPlugins.
List of known providers:

Make your own with this Template

Providers provides lyrics and list of fields that can help to choose necessary lyrics for song.


MultiLyrics was build with theming in mind so you can make lyrics search window look seamless to any skin. Configure plugin to match your skin.


MultiLyrics currently available with this locales:

  • en-US
  • ru-RU

You can help translate the plugin by contributing .resx files of your language There's list of files you need to provide:

  • WPF\Properties\Resources.your-locale.resx
  • WPF\Views\ConfigView.your-locale.resx
  • WPF\Views\LyricsSearchView.your-locale.resx
  • WPF\Views\LyricsSearchViewControls\ResultsControl.your-locale.resx
  • WPF\Views\LyricsSearchViewControls\SearchControl.your-locale.resx