
This project includes realization of parallel life game.

Primary LanguageC++


This project includes realizations of life game using different techniques To see the rules, visit this wikipedia site life game rules

Multithreading ParallelLifeGame

This program includes realization of multithreading life game The code presented in code directory

The program provides following interface:

  • START command. This command can be passed with following list of optional arguments:

    • -t --threads [THREADS COUNT] specifies the count of threads to launch

    • -f --file [file.csv] specifies the csv file with initial disposition

    • -s --size [N] [M] specifies the shapes of the game filed. The initial disposition will be created randomly in this case

      The command takes either -f or -s argument as the second one. If only -t argument is passed, the field of 10x10 will be created with random initial disposition If no arguments passed, the count of launched threads will be equal to 1

  • STATUS command shows current state of the field and displays the number of current iteration. Takes no arguments

  • RUN command launches the threads which process life game states. It takes the argument:

    • [N], which denotes count of life game iterations to perform
  • STOP command stops the execution and shows the current state

  • QUIT command stops the threads and finish the program

To build the program see readme.md file in code\build\ directory.

MPI ParallelLifeGame

This program includes realisation of life game using MPI interface. To see more information about this technology visit wikipedia or official cite. Detailed documentation can be founded here.

The program provides similar interface as the multithreading one. One difference is that START command does not support -t and --threads command.

To build the program see readme.md file in code_MPI\build\ directory.