ezgif com-gif-maker

What is it

Simple to use and maintain menu for Rage.MP / ALT:V etc made in React with Redux.

By default, to make the menu appear you need to press g.


To change the texts, icons and interaction button you need to edit the app.config.js located in the src folder.

The styling was made with Tailwind CSS. To change colors, spacing etc. you need to change the theme object from tailwind.config.js file.


To add functionality to buttons, you need to add a onClick parameter to all button components. You can also do this from the app.config.js file by adding a function that to every button object you want.

        ActionID: 1,
        position: 'top',
        title: 'Cancel',
        description: 'No action will take place and the dialog will close.',
        icon: CancelIcon,
		onClick: () => alert('workiing!'),