

This project is an utility app converting a CSV file to a strings.xml for Android.

CSV file format

The file columns separator must be the character semicolon ;

Only the first 2 columns are used. If the file contains more than 2 columns, they are ignored.

The file must not have any header!

The first column is the key. The second, the value

exemple of CSV file (exemple.csv)

hello_key;Hello World !


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <string name="hello_key">"Hello World !"</string>
   <string name="cancel">"cancel"</string>

App usage (Windows)

AndroidToCSV.exe exemple.csv

The tool will create an output folder and generate the file strings.xml inside.

Build from source

  1. Download the sources
  2. Open The solution in src/
  3. Right click on the project AndroidToCSV -> Publish
  4. Select the Windows Profile (or create a new publushing profile)
  5. This will generate a Self Contained App (it includes the .Net Core Runtime DLL) in bin/{Platform}/publish