T-Shirt-Builder a full-stack web application that allows the users to create their own 3D model of a T-shirt. The user can customize the color of the T-shirt using a color picker and also upload their own file to apply as a T-shirt logo or overall texture. Additionally, the app has an option to generate a custom logo or texture using the DALL-E AI picker tool. Finally, the users can download save their custom designs via the green download icon button.
- 🎨Create 3D model of T-Shirt with custom color, logo or texture.
- 📂Upload custom file for a logo or texture.
- 🤖AI-powered custom logo and texture generation.
- ⬇️Download a picture of the the created T-Shirt.
- ⚛️Modern and responsive user interface built with ReactJS.
- 📦Fast and efficient bundling with Vite.
- 🎨Consistent and visually appealing design with TailwindCSS.
- Firebase - https://d-t-shirt-builder.web.app/
- Render - https://t-shirt-builder-api.onrender.com
OpenAI API (AI image generation)