
C# wrapper for FFTS (The Fastest Fourier Transform in the South)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

FFTSSharp Logo

A basic C# wrapper for FFTS (The Fastest Fourier Transform in the South).

FFTSSharp is MIT licensed, so personal and commmercial use alike is allowed. For further details, see the LICENSE file.

The dynamically linked libraries (DLLs) used for the wrapper are custom built with CMake and should work normally for Windows users. The DLLs are included in the package and the folder "ffts-dlls" is to be put at the application's startup path.


  • Full support over all 3 types of SSE (SSE1, SSE2, SSE3) and even without SSE (nonSSE). A built-in SSE availability detector takes care of this.
  • Full managed function calls to FFTS unmanaged functions
  • Easy-to-use wrapper around FFTS with high performance
  • Test programs for basic usage and benchmark code


This is a benchmark comparing FFTSSharp against Intel's MKL C# implementation (https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/using-intel-mkl-in-your-c-program.html).

Tests on sizes of power of 2 with complex-to-complex transforms. Transforms for each sizes are run 100000 times and the results are averaged out.

The benchmark is carried out on i7-2640M CPU; SSE3 for FFTSSharp.

256 356 ns 376 ns
512 1551 ns 1555 ns
1024 1551ns 1555 ns
2048 3949 ns 12520 ns
4096 8342 ns 22965 ns
8192 20423 ns 45957 ns
16384 46817 ns 89313 ns
32768 90406 ns 188335 ns


.NET Framework 4.5 (or .NET Standard 2.0) and above
For target of .NET Framework 2.0 - 3.5 please refer to FFTSSharpLegacy

Get FFTSSharp

For ease of installation, you can add the lastest release of FFTSSharp into your project using Nuget


  • Include the library
using PetterPet.FFTSSharp;
  • Initial loading of FFTS DLLs

There consists of 4 enums in FFTSManager.InstructionType: nonSSE, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, Auto
(Choose "Auto" for generic loading)

  • Create an instance of FFTS (think of it like creating a plan)
var ffts = FFTS.Real(FFTS.Forward, 16);
  • Declare the input and output array (length of the input and output must be known beforehand)
float[] input = new float[16];
float[] output = new float[18];
  • Compute the result
ffts.Execute(input, output);
  • Dispose the plan after use

Current problems

  • For now, only 1D real and complex, forward and inverse tranforms are supported. FFTS support for 2D and above is insufficiently documented and is incomplete.


Much thanks to the author, anthonix for creating FFTS with a very permissive license.
Thanks to DllImportX made available by rodrigo-speller.


Contributions and issue reports are welcomed.