
Erlang-based Argon2 Password Hashing for Gleam

Primary LanguageGleamMIT LicenseMIT


Argon2 password hashing library for Gleam, based on the reference C implementation.

Package Version Hex Docs

This library uses another Pevensie project, jargon, to provide the underlying NIF.

It currently only supports Gleam's Erlang backend.


gleam add argus
import argus

pub fn main() {
  // Hash a password using the recommended settings for Argon2id.
  let assert Ok(hashes) =
    |> argus.hash("password", argus.gen_salt())

  // Hash a password with custom settings and a custom salt.
  let assert Ok(hashes) =
    |> argus.algorithm(argus.Argon2id)
    |> argus.time_cost(3)
    |> argus.memory_cost(12228) // 12 mebibytes
    |> argus.parallelism(1)
    |> argus.hash_length(32)
    |> argus.hash("password", "custom_salt")

  // Verify a password.
  let assert Ok(True) = argus.verify(hashes.encoded_hash, "password")

More information can be found in the documentation.

Why 'Argus'?

Argus was the builder of the Argo ship and was one of the Argonauts.