Introduction To NLP

This project contains the implementation of the following:

  1. Regular Expressions
  2. Introduction to Numpy
  3. Introduction to Pandas
  4. Introduction to NLTK
  5. Introduction to Stemming
  6. Introduction to Lemmatization
  7. Removing Stop Words
  8. Extracting Parts Of Speech Tags
  9. Named Entity Recognition
  10. Text Modelling using Bag of Words Model (BOW)
  11. Text Modelling using TF-IDF Model
  12. Building Character Base N-Gram Model
  13. Building Word Base N-Gram Model
  14. Understanding Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)
  15. Finding Synonyms and Antonyms using NLTK
  16. Word Negation Tracking

There are two presentation files in order to explain more about n-grams and LSA.