National Vaccination System (in Persian)

With the spread of coronavirus and millions of people being infected with it, all the scientists in the world started making vaccines to protect people against this deadly virus, and, after about a year and a half since the start of the epidemic, various vaccines were allowed to be injected. At that time, governments started planning a comprehensive plan for quick and regular, and engineered vaccination of people all over the world in order to speed up and manage this issue. A system was invented in which people make reservations by registering on it. It was time to get the vaccine at the nearest vaccination center as soon as possible.
Since speed and order are of particular importance in this matter and the system must be suitable for the general public, we analyzed the existing system in its four main sub-systems (registration, appointment, side effects, and card issuance). After reviewing the analysis, we designed a new system the purpose of which was to increase the system's utilization in order to increase the speed, accuracy, and maximum convenience of the user.
Therefore, in order to increase the convenience of the users, instead of receiving all the information, we receive their national code, and then the system automatically receives the information from the government; on the other hand, in order to increase the accuracy of the complications caused in vaccinated people, in this system, for the complication registration part, we receive the health information of the person from the system of the Ministry of Health, and then we analyze the complications according to that. By implementing these changes, our prediction is to increase the convenience of users for registering and increase the speed and level of vaccination in the country, so that we can get rid of this difficult disease.

The subsystems are as follows :

  1. Registration
  2. Appointment
  3. Card issuance
  4. Side effects