
Simple Message Queue with Redis

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Pdsr Simple Redis Queue

Uses Redis to act as a Message Queue.

Getting started

Install the package

dotnet add package Pdsr.Queue.Redis

Add it to the DI

// Add to DI
builder.Services.AddRedisQueue(new RedisConfiguration
    EndPoints = new[] { "localhost:6379" }

Define some class to use as message

/// <summary>
/// Some message sample
/// </summary>
public class SampleMessage
    public SampleMessage(string item)
        Item = item;

    // can be anything. be careful not to send large objects.
    public string Item { get;  }

Publishing the message

app.MapGet("/", async (IRedisQueue redisQueue) =>
    // create an instance of the message object
    string contents = "Peeling an apple";
    var message = new SampleMessage(contents);

    // publish it
    await redisQueue.Publish(message);

    // return the message object, just because it's cool to see what we sent to the queue
    return Results.Ok(message);//show the message

Process messages

Inject the IRedisQueue in a worker or some service and fetch messages one at the time

// fetch messages from queue and process them
await _redisQueue.FetchMessage(async (msg) =>
        Console.WriteLine($"do something with the msg");
        return true; // return true to ACK (and discard the message) or return false and do a NACK requeue.

Preferably use a Background worker, as the whole point for me to use Message Queue was to process them separately on a worker not in Services or Controllers.


Make Subscriber pattern to emit events, instead of using a manual fetch


Please refer to contribute. Contributions are welcomed, refer to ToDo


Above is enough for now.