Implementation Links


  • For now none but later pygame for GUI

FEN Notation

  • example of starting state fen string

    • 'rheakaehr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RHEAKAEHR w - - 0 1'
  • / : indicate next rank

  • numerical value 1-9 : indicates number of empty squares between pieces

  • w | b : indicates turn

    • : indicates filler for notation in western chess
  • second to last value is number of half moves since last capture (if reaches 60 game ends in draw)

  • last value is number of full moves (full move means increments after both white and black move)

  • Upper Case for White, Lower case for black

    • King/General: K/k
    • Advisor: A/a
    • Elephant: E/e
    • Rook/Chariot: R/r
    • Cannon: C/c
    • Horse/Knight: H/h
    • Pawn: P/p


  • Running runs the cml version of the code, running runs the GUI of the code however that is not complete yet

Board Class

  • Variables:

    • state: {1d Char Array} containing piece positions

    • valid_moves: {array of Moves} contains list of valid moves of the current players turn

    • turn: {char} w | b

    • computer_color: {char} w | b

    • king_pos {int} integer position of the turn of current players king within state (this will be needed for determining legal moves)

    • half_moves {int} number of half moves since last capture. If == 60 then game ends in draw, increments after white or black move

    • full_moves {int} number of full moves

  • Functions

    • __init__(self, fen): default constructor from fen. Uses fen to initialize all board variables

    • generateValidMoves(): analyzes state and generates valid_moves

    • updateBoardFromMove(move: move.Move): updates state from move

    • checkForCheck(move: move.Move, turn: char): Helper function that analyzes a move and looks a half move further to see if that move puts themselves in check. Returns bool.

Move Class

  • Variables

    • start: {int} integer position of piece with in 1d state array

    • target: {int} integer position of target square within 1d state array


  • In updateBoardFromMove() need to increment halfmove counter and full move counter

  • In main game loop need to check for draw with halfmove counter