
A software designed to help make a custom Discord Rich Presence, easy and fast.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Github Stars Latest Release

What is Presenceanator?

Presenceanator is a software designed to help make a custom Discord Rich Presence, easy and fast.

How to use

Making an application ID

To start off, download the latest version of Presenceanator from https://github.com/Peytoncl/Presenceanator/releases/latest. Once youve download the latest version, go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and create a new application (The name of your application will be the name of the game Presenceanator says youre playing).

Adding the application ID to Presenceanator

Once you make your application, copy the application ID, and once you do that, open up Presenceanator and paste the application ID into the application ID text box. The rest should be pretty self explanatory.

Closing Presenceanator

When you decide to close Presenceanator, please note that it will minimize to the tray. When its in the tray, you can left click on the Presenceanator icon to unminimize it. If you right click the icon, you can see a few options that should also be self explanatory.


Electron: https://www.electronjs.org/

Dicsord.js: https://discord.js.org/