
A simple and useful onlinenic standalone package (with laravel support)

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A simple and useful onlinenic standalone package (with laravel support)

since there was no library written for APIv4 of onlinenic i written one. this package contains all methods described in their documentation, howevern it's poorly written and most of the endpoints are now testable in sandbox mode.

Onlinenice API v4 Documentation


The recommended way to install this library is through Composer:

$ composer require pezhvak/onlinenic-api

If you're not familiar with composer follow the installation instructions for Linux/Unix/Mac or Windows, and then read the basic usage introduction.

Laravel 5.5 and up

You don't have to do anything else, this package uses the Package Auto-Discovery feature, and should be available as soon as you install it via Composer.

Laravel 5.4 or 5.3

Add the following Service Provider to your config/app.php providers array:


Publish Laravel Configuratino Files (All Versions)

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Pezhvak\OnlinenicApi\OnlinenicServiceProvider"

Environment Variables


Standalone Usage

after installing with composer you can simply initiate a new instance of Onlinenic class:

$onlinenic = new Pezhvak\OnlinenicApi\Onlinenic($account_id, $password, $api_key, $sandbox);
// use the method you want, ex:

Laravel Usage

you can use dependency injection feature in any method of your controller or resolve it through laravel service container:

using dependency injection:

Route::get('/', function (\Pezhvak\OnlinenicApi\Onlinenic $onlinenic) {

using service container:

$onlinenic = resolve('Pezhvak\\OnlinenicApi\\Onlinenic');


The library uses Guzzle as its HTTP communication layer.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.