
Flask app that generates QR code for transactions on Casper

Primary LanguagePython


The repository generates QR codes for transactions on Casper local nodes, casper.live and testnet.casper.live accounting for the user's inputs. After displaying the QR Code the user can use the button to download the image for transactions.

Resources for Testing

For testing on the desktop computer online qr code reader can be used https://4qrcode.com/scan-qr-code.php.

For obtaining testnet funds use faucet.


Local Installation

pip install -r requirements.txt

python3 application.py

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Further Development

We intend to connect to Casper Signer Extension in the near future. Develop further app functionality such as staking which is also available at https://casperholders.io/.

To do so we will add ReactJS to the flask application.