
Proteomics Toolset for Integrative Data Analysis

Primary LanguageR


This Shiny app facilitates exploratory and interactive analysis of data sets derived from quantitative proteomics experiments, RNA-seq and gene expression microarrays.

The app can run locally on your Desktop computer (Windows/Linux/MAC) or can deployed to Shiny Server environments. To access all implemented features the app has to run on a Shiny Server Pro (SSP) instance, see below for a summary of features only available in SSP.

Supported input formats:

  • Any type of text file containing both, expression and annotation columns, can directly be imported into the app.
  • Supported file formats:
    • text files (tsv, csv, txt)
    • gct 1.2
    • NEW gct 1.3

Data manipulation:

  • Transformation
    • log transformation
  • Sample-wise Normalization
    • Centering (median)
    • Centering and scaling (median-MAD)
    • Quantile
    • 2-component
  • Filtering
    • Reproducibility filter across replicate measurements
    • Standard deviation across samples

Marker selection (based on limma package)

  • One-sample moderated T-test
  • Two-sample moderated T-test
  • Moderated F-test

Interactive data analysis and visualization

  • Heatmaps and cluster analysis
  • Volcano plots
  • Scatterplots
  • Principle component analysis
  • QC-plots
    • Pairs-plots
    • Correlation matrix
    • Distribution of expression values
    • Missing values

Proteomics-specific features

  • Automatic converison of protein accession numbers (UniProt, RefSeq) to gene symbols
  • Integration of protein-protein interaction databases (human only)
    • InWeb
    • BioGRID
    • Reactome

Export of analysis results

  • Results comprise high-quality figures (pdf), Excel-sheets and the R-workspace itself.
  • All results can be downloaded as single zip-file.

Shiny Server Pro specific features

  • User authentification as provided by SSP.
  • Save and retrieve app-sessions on the server.

This app is being developed and maintained at the Proteomics Platform of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.