Some Capture The flag Challenges


Number Ctf Name Theme Difficulty
1 Stegslice Steganography + Easy Privesc Hard
2 ph3nx-CTF1 Privesc Easy
3 ph3nx-CTF3 Privesc + Enum Medium
4 Batman CTF Discovery + Privesc Advanced
5 Cookies ? Web + Privesc Advanced

If You Have Any Problem with VirtualBox check The VirtualBox Tuto


If you cleared one of the CTF please send me your github username and a proof to be shown in the scoreboard (Ph3nX#2514)

Position StegSlice Ph3nx-CTF-1 Ph3nx-CTF-3 Batman CTF Cookies ?
1 Mr.Noodle Mr.Noodle UVision UVision w0lf
2 UVision * * w0lf UVision
3 w0lf * * * Mr.Noodle

Good Luck And Have Fun

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Ph3nX : CTFs creation


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