
Primary LanguagePython


Reverse shell generator


ShellBoard is a reverse shell generator and it can be used as a listener for theses. A lot of post-exploitation modules are included in it.


Linux :

chmod +x install.sh
sudo bash install.sh


In the Shell :

#help          : display help message for inshell commands
#kill          : kill the program and the reverse shell
#exit          : quit the shell and return to command panel
#decal         : skip a request to realign the terminal with the commands
#other:command : use control panel's command in the shell ex: #other:deliver_file

In the Control Panel :

shell : invoke shell
exit  : exit the program and the reverse shell
other : display other commands (postexploitation commands)
help  : display help message

Post Exploitation module :

exploit_bin  : search for vulnerable suids,capatibilities
tty          : invoke tty, already invoked in the process
deliver_file : upload a file




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