
week 17 assignment

Table of Contents


The purpose of this assignment was to modify starter code by completing database models, use dotenv package to store user's sql information, syncing sequalize, and back-end routes for cateogires, tags, and products. This will allow a user to use the backend to test their routes and make sure everything works including: getting all items and associated items in the database, getting a singular item in the databse, creating an item, updating an item, and deleting an item. The acceptance criteria is as follows:

GIVEN a regex tutorial
WHEN I open the tutorial
THEN I see a descriptive title and introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the tutorial, a summary describing the regex featured in the tutorial, a table of contents linking to different sections that break down each component of the regex and explain what it does, and a section about the author with a link to the author’s GitHub profile
WHEN I click on the links in the table of contents
THEN I am taken to the corresponding sections of the tutorial
WHEN I read through each section of the tutorial
THEN I find a detailed explanation of what a specific component of the regex does
WHEN I reach the end of the tutorial
THEN I find a section about the author and a link to the author’s GitHub profile


  • Download or clone the repo from GitHub



There a no plans for public contribution at this time.
