

There is more restriction for Android 8 and 9 and 10

startScan deprecated but still able to use

startScan will return boolean. There is a limitation of startScan in background and foreground. For example,

Each foreground app can scan four times in a 2-minute period. This allows for a burst of scans in a short time. All background apps combined can scan one time in a 30-minute period.

If we exceed 4 times, startScan will return false BUT we still ABLE to receive the latest Broadcast Receiver. However, it may be out up date.

If we use only 1 app for scan, after 4 scan in 2 minutes, startScan will fail until 2 minutes pass (we need to handle this case to prevent user don't see the wifi during 2 minutes). If we using another app for scan during this 2 minutes, we can scan success. After it success, if we go back to first app, startScan still failed but we will see the latest list wifi (look like it share the same data and document said limitation for each application is CORRECT)

For testing purpose, we can disable this limitation in Developer Options > Networking > Wi-Fi scan throttling
