An extension to CommandHelper providing access to features of other plugins in the sk89q family. Currently supports WorldEdit and WorldGuard.
Downloads can be found in the Releases tab.
CommandHelper's documentation generator does not work, and people keep asking why I removed functions just because they were not listed here. I did not remove any functions. So now you have to check yourself.
Add the following to to give yourself a /docs command that tabcompletes with functionnames and classes. For example, "/docs SKWorldGuard" will return a list of all the WorldGuard functions, but you can see all functions containing "sk" by typing "/docs sk" and hitting tab. "/docs sk_region_addmember" will give you the documentation for the sk_region_addmember function.
The below can also be found on the forums.
# I do this as a cache because there are a lot of functions,
# this way I only have to use get_functions() once
@gfuncs = get_functions()
export('gfuncs', @gfuncs)
export('funclasses', array_keys(@gfuncs))
@funcs = array()
foreach(@gfuncs, @fc, @fa,
foreach(@fa, @f,
array_push(@funcs, @f)
export('funcs', @funcs)
register_command('docs', array(
description: 'Shows the documentation for a given CommandHelper function',
permission: 'commandhelper.*',
noPermMsg: color(c).'This is not the command you are looking for',
usage: colorize('&aUsage&f: /docs [FunctionType|function_name]\n&aExample&f: /docs\n&aExample&f: /docs PlayerManagement\n&aExample&f: /docs ploc'),
aliases: array('doc', 'func', 'funcs'),
executor: closure(@al, @p, @args, @cmd,
@gfuncs = import('gfuncs')
@fcs = import('funclasses')
@funcs = import('funcs')
if(array_size(@args) == 0) {
tmsg(@p, colorize('&aFunctionTypes&f: &e'.array_implode(@fcs, '&f, &e')))
} else if (array_size(@args) == 1) {
@choice = to_lower(@args[0])
foreach(@fcs, @fc,
if (@choice == to_lower(@fc)) {
tmsg(@p, colorize('&6'.@fc.'&f: &b'.array_implode(@gfuncs[@fc], '&f, &b')))
if (array_contains(@funcs, @choice)) {
tmsg(@p, colorize('&2'.@choice.'&f:'))
tmsg(@p, colorize('&aReturn&f: '.reflect_docs(@choice, return)))
tmsg(@p, colorize('&aArgs&f: '.reflect_docs(@choice, args)))
tmsg(@p, colorize('&aDescription&f: '.reflect_docs(@choice, description)))
} else {
tmsg(@p, 'You entered \''.@choice.'\'')
tmsg(@p, 'Use \'/docs\' to get a list of valid function names')
} else {
tabcompleter: closure(@al, @p, @args, @cmd,
@funcs = import('funcs')
@gfuncs = import('gfuncs')
@fcs = import('funclasses')
if(array_size(@args) == 1) {
@c = to_lower(@args[0])
@returnable = array()
foreach(@fcs, @fc,
if(string_position(to_lower(@fc), @c) != -1) {
array_push(@returnable, @fc)
foreach(@funcs, @f,
if(string_position(@f, @c) != -1) {
array_push(@returnable, @f)
} else {