
R package wrapping bedtools

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION




The bedtools suite of programs is a widely used set of various utilities for genomic analysis. This R package provides a convenient wrapper for bedtools functions allowing for the documentation and use of them from within the R environment. This includes manual pages for all functions as well as key added features including the ability to provide either file paths or R objects as inputs and outputs.


bedtoolsr can be installed directly from GitHub using the following commands:


Note that if bedtools is not found in R's PATH, or you want to use a specific version, you can manually specify the desired directory in R with:

options(bedtools.path = "[bedtools path]")

You can also install a specific release for a particular version of bedtools. Download the corresponding zip file (not the source code), decompress, and install from R:

install.packages("/path/to/bedtools_v2.28.0-7", type="source", repos=NULL)

Operating System Support

bedtoolsr should work on any system with R and bedtools installed. It has been tested on macOS (version 10.14 "Mojave") and Linux (Ubuntu version 18.04). bedtools is not available for Windows; however, you can either use a virtual machine or Windows Subsystem for Linux. In either case, R from the Windows side would not be able to access bedtools running on the Linux side, so R and bedtoolsr would also have to be installed on the Linux side.

Example Usage

A.bed <- data.frame(chrom=c("chr1", "chr1"), start=c(10, 30), end=c(20, 40))
B.bed <- data.frame(chrom=c("chr1"), start=15, end=20)

> bedtoolsr::bt.intersect(A.bed, B.bed)
    V1 V2 V3
1 chr1 15 20

Complex Example

In this more complex example, loop calls in bedpe format are downloaded from Phanstiel et al., 2017 and CTCF ChIP-seq peak calls are downloaded from Van Bortle et al., 2017. bedtoolsr is used to add 5kb on either side of the CTCF peaks with the bedtoolsr::bt.slop function before the bedtoolsr::bt.pairtobed function computes overlap of CTCF peaks with either both, one, or neither loop anchor from the loop call bedpe file. The total and percentage of loops found in each case is calculated then plotted with ggplot2.

## Download and unzip loop calls bedpe file from Phanstiel et. al, 2017
download.file(url = "https://www.cell.com/cms/10.1016/j.molcel.2017.08.006/attachment/0a5229f1-46bb-4aae-aa42-33651377e633/mmc3.zip",
              destfile =  "Loops_PMA.txt.zip")
unzip(zipfile = "Loops_PMA.txt.zip", files = "molcel_6338_Table_S2_Loops_PMA.txt")

## Download CTCF Peak bed file from Van Bortle et. al, 2017
download.file(url = "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/download/?acc=GSE96800&format=file&file=GSE96800%5FCTCF%5Fpeak%5FedgeR%5Fraw%2Etxt%2Egz",
              destfile = "CTCF_peaks.txt.gz")

## Read in bed and bedpe files (optional but helfpul for subsequent R operations)
loopsBedpe  <- read.table(file = "molcel_6338_Table_S2_Loops_PMA.txt", header = T)
ctcfPeaks   <- read.table(file = gzfile("CTCF_peaks.txt.gz"), header = T)

## Add 5kb up/downstream from each ctcf peak with the bedtoolsr slop function
ctcfPeaks   <- bedtoolsr::bt.slop(i = ctcfPeaks, g = "hg19", b = 5000, header = T)

## Compute overlaps with bedtoolsr (find loops that have CTCF bound at both, one, or no ends?)
bothEnds    <- bedtoolsr::bt.pairtobed(a = loopsBedpe, b = ctcfPeaks, type = "both")
oneEnd      <- bedtoolsr::bt.pairtobed(a = loopsBedpe, b = ctcfPeaks, type = "xor")
neitherEnd  <- bedtoolsr::bt.pairtobed(a = loopsBedpe, b = ctcfPeaks, type = "neither")

## Count the number of loops found in each case
totalN      <- nrow(unique(loopsBedpe))
bothN       <- nrow(unique(bothEnds[,1:10]))
oneN        <- nrow(unique(oneEnd[,1:10]))
neitherN    <- nrow(unique(neitherEnd[,1:10]))

## Calculate percentages of the total number of loops and round
bothP       <- round(bothN/totalN*100)
oneP        <- round(oneN/totalN*100)
neitherP    <- round(neitherN/totalN*100)

## Create data frame to plot results
df  <- data.frame(
        group = c("Both", "One", "Neither"),
        number = c(bothN, oneN, neitherN),
        percent = c(bothP, oneP, neitherP)

## Plot results
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = 1, y = percent, fill = group))+
  geom_col(col = "white")+
  coord_polar("y") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#2171b5", "#bdd7e7", "#6baed6"))+
  labs(title = "Loop anchors with bound CTCF")+
  annotate(geom = "text",
           x = c(1.0, 1.25, 1.75),
           y = c(60, 8, 17.25),
           label = paste0(df$group, " (", df$percent, "%)"),
           col = c("white", "white", "black"),
           size = 4.5)+
    plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, vjust = -15, face = "bold"),
    legend.position = "none", text = element_text(face = "bold")

Building for a different version of bedtools

In order to more easily support past and future versions of bedtools we adopted a metaprogramming approach. A single python script reads bedtools --help output and automatically generates the entire R package. It was designed to be generic so that it can be rebuilt quickly for any version of bedtools.

To generate a new version of bedtoolsr, run makePackage.py. There are command-line arguments for the location of bedtools, where the output package should go, and the package version suffix. Special cases are specified in anomalies.json.


bedtoolsr uses continuous integration made possible by unit tests using the testthat R package. Once installed you can perform unit tests for most of the bedtoolsr functions using the following code:

First, install testthat if not already installed:


Load bedtoolsr and testthat:


Perform tests:


Expected results:

══ testthat results  ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════


We welcome user feedback and contributions on this package. If you have a question or a problem, the best approach is to report it is through GitHub's issue tracker. If you want to propose a change to the source code, either to fix a bug or make an improvement, use a pull request.


For more information, please see the bedtoolsr website.


