bilal is a CLI salah time.
- Show all salah time in current day
- Show current salah time and its remaining time
- Show next salah time
- Fancy error message
bilal all Show all salahs time
bilal current ... current salah time
bilal current --json .... with JSON format
Create a file named bilal.toml
in ~/.config/bilal/
. If you are on Windows
, put it under \AppData\Bilal\
. Then add your configuration:
latitude = -6.18233995
longitude = 106.84287154
madhab = "Shafi"
method = "Egyptian"
To see more options, please read the wiki
You can use Bilal with i3status-rust
and waybar
to show salah time in your status.
configuration Example:
block = "custom"
cycle = [
"bilal current -J",
"bilal next -J",
on_click = "<command>"
interval = 300
json = true
configuration Example:
"custom/prayer": {
"format": "{}",
"return-type": "json",
"tooltip": true,
"interval": 3600,
"exec": "bilal waybar"
See more examples to learn other variations.
If you like bilal
to support your favourite status-bar, please open new issue
with the valid input of your status-bar. In i3status-rust
the valid input it would be {"icon": "ICON", "state": "STATE", "text": "YOURTEXT"}
The release page includes pre-compiled binaries for GNU/Linux, macOS and Windows.
Using cargo-binstall
cargo binstall bilal
Using Rust's package manager cargo:
cargo install bilal
git clone
# Build
cd bilal
cargo build
# Run unit tests and integration tests
cargo test
# Install
cargo install --path .
To learn more read
The name Bilal was chosen in reference to the Bilal bin Rabah. The first mu'azzin, chosen by Muhammad PBUH himself.
Copyright (c) 2020-2023 azzamsa
Bilal is distributed under the terms of GPL V3 License.