
Can you create one for Japan region?

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Panasonic apis in Japan are also saparate to global.
Can you create one for Japan please?

I bought you a coffee. (^-^)

I will need the api structor to estimate, can you provide it?

Hello Phantas,
Thank you for your reply.

I'm afraid that I am not familiar with programming and so, I can not provide you api structor. :(
This is the app that we use to control the air conditioner in Japan.

Wow, this app's UI is much better than Taiwan's.

To fetch the api structure, I would need to download that app, and login to a account with air conditioners already registered.

I will record the process of app and it's network, and find out the conversation detail between app and the server.

How about email me? and we can discuss more detail.

Thank your for giving me a great suggestion!

I just have sent you e-mail. :)

我需要api structor来估计,你能提供吗?

Panasonic apis in china are also saparate to global.
Can you create one for china please?

我需要api structor来估计,你能提供吗?

Panasonic apis in china are also saparate to global. Can you create one for china please?

i also need it in china,it's seems similar to TW

我需要api structor来估计,你能提供吗?

Panasonic apis in china are also saparate to global. Can you create one for china please?

i also need it in china,it's seems similar to TW

Maybe you can try ECHONETLite Platform Custom Component.

Japanese models use Echonet lite protcol so it works fine for my case.

嗨,我可以提供 api,我需要如何发送给您?



嗨,api在哪获取,我想开发**地域适用的软件 @1043717432
