
Main repository for all Phantazm-related content.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


standard-readme compliant

Phantazm is a Minecraft server network focused on creating PvE minigames.

This repository contains:

  1. The code for our minigames
  2. Supporting libraries such as phantazm-commons
  3. Advanced utilities for creating games, such as phantazm-zombies-mapeditor
  4. Build files, setup scripts, and some essential configuration files

If you want to interact with the community, please join our Discord server!

Table of Contents


This project started out of a perceived lack of PvE-focused Minecraft servers. We believe that this is an area of untapped potential in the space.


Run git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/PhantazmNetwork/PhantazmServer to download the source code. If you skip the --recurse-submodules flag the project will not compile!

Install a local development build

Warning! You must only use this to set up an environment for local testing! Much of the components are insecure, including the database and Minecraft server itself, due to using default credentials.

For Windows users, it's recommended to read this page ahead of time to familiarize yourself with common errors and how to avoid them.

Local development builds require Java to be installed on your computer. They also require Docker Compose, which is a tool for orchestrating multiple virtual containers. If you are on Windows, Docker Desktop should be all you need to install beforehand. If you are on Linux, you can also set up Docker Desktop (although it may be more complicated depending on your distribution). If you do not go with Docker Desktop, make sure you have installed both Docker Engine and Docker Compose.

Rather than running the development environment directly using Docker Compose, it is encouraged to make use of the launcher program dev-launcher.jar. This will manage container lifecycle and IO for you, without requiring additional commands. You can also use the included IntelliJ run configs. Note that it still requires Docker and Docker Compose to be installed on your computer!

If you are a Windows user, it is additionally very important to ensure that CRLF line endings won't cause Docker to have issues building the project. Open up Git Bash and run the command git config --global core.autocrlf false — or manually update the config file — to prevent issues from arising.

Phantazm currently makes use of three separate Docker containers — a database, Velocity proxy, and the Minestom server. All three may be launched at once by running java -jar dev-launcher.jar in the project root. You may also use the IntelliJ run configuration Launch Phantazm.

By default, launching this way will attempt to download the Minecraft world files we use on our official server. If you are not developing for our network, you can disable this by adding a file named .override.env in the root directory of the project, and adding the line PHANTAZM_AUTO_DL_WORLDS='false'.

In addition to the files included in this repository, to properly run Phantazm you will need access to a Git repository containing valid configuration files, as these define most aspects of gameplay and are essential. Whether you are developing for our network or not, you must specify a configuration repository. The first time you run java -jar dev-launcher.jar (or Launch Phantazm), the setup script will prompt you to enter a URL, which will be appended automatically to your .override.env file. An example of such a URL is below:


If you need to re-generate the files in ./run for any reason, you can simply delete it and it will be recreated the next time you launch a development build. This can help if you are running into errors related to the development environment setup.

Additional setup (Unix users only)

Users of Unix-based systems will not always need to go through with this additional setup. To determine if it is necessary for you, run the id command. This will output some text like the following:

uid=1000(steank) gid=1000(steank)

Make note of your current user name (the one that owns all the project files; in this example it is steank, and it should be whichever user you used to clone this repository in the first place) and its corresponding uid and gid. If uid and gid are both 1000, you do not need to do anything else. However, if one differs, you will need to add some additional configuration to .override.env:

# This example assumes your UID and GID are 1001

In other words, set PHANTAZM_UID to your uid and PHANTAZM_GID to your gid.

Note: If you had previously built the project using a different UID or GID, you may have to prune your docker containers to force them to re-build. Run docker system prune -a, with all containers shut down, and then re-run the project. This will remove all unused images and Docker's build cache.

Joining the local development server

Once you've set up your development environment and run Launch Phantazm, you should have a running proxy, server, and database. You can connect to the server (through the proxy) by joining localhost on a vanilla Minecraft client. The client version can currently be from 1.16.x up to 1.20.1,


Up until now, the examples have shown the project being run without debugging enabled. However, there is an alternate Docker profile you can enable that will allow you to connect to the Minecraft server with a JVM debugger. Just run Launch Phantazm (debug). Then, you can connect the debugger to localhost:5005, or run the Debug Phantazm configuration in IntelliJ, and set breakpoints as usual.

You can also run the command java -jar dev-launcher.jar -d to launch in debug mode from the console. From there, you may attach an external debugger to port 5005, as you would normally. The debug port can be configured by setting the PHANTAZM_DB_PORT_HOST environment variable in your .override.env.


Details and tutorials for how to configure more complicated aspects of Phantazm are included in the wiki. These are currently out-of-date, pending a more stable codebase.




See the contributions document for more detailed information. Pull requests are welcome!

If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.

Phantazm follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

Reporting bugs

If you have a bug to report, head on over to the Issues tab and create a new issue. Make sure you follow the guidelines, and provide plenty of information.

Making suggestions

If you have an idea for a new feature, or change to an existing one, you can make an issue for that too. However, it's recommended that you first join our Discord and get feedback from the community first.
