
Python implementation of finding the Minimum Vertex Cover using Kőnig's theorem.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bipartite Minimum Vertex Cover

A Python implementation of finding the Minimum Vertex Cover of a Bipartite Graph with python & networkx using Kőnig's theorem. You can then calculate the Maximum Independent Set if needed.

Usage Example

    import networkx as nx
    def bipartite_minimum_vertex_cover(G:nx.Graph):

        M = nx.algorithms.bipartite.matching.maximum_matching(G)
        L = [k for k,v in G.nodes.items() if v['bipartite'] == 0]
        R = [k for k,v in G.nodes.items() if v['bipartite'] == 1]
        U = set(L) - set(M.keys())

        def bfs_alternating_paths(v, Z, find_match=False):
            u = M[v] if v in M.keys() else None
            if find_match and u:
                bfs_alternating_paths(u, Z, find_match=False)
            elif not find_match:
                unmactched_neibors = [n for n in G.neighbors(v) if n != u]
                for n in unmactched_neibors:
                    bfs_alternating_paths(n, Z, find_match=True)

        Z = set()
        for u in U:
            bfs_alternating_paths(u, Z, find_match=False)

        K = set(L) - Z | set(R) & Z
        return K

    # Create a bipartite graph
    G = nx.Graph()
    G.add_nodes_from([1,2,6,7], bipartite=0)  # Set the left set of nodes
    G.add_nodes_from([4,3,5,8], bipartite=1)  # Set the right set of nodes
    G.add_edges_from([[1,3], [2,4], [2,3], [2,5], [6,3], [7,3], [7,5], [7,8]])  # Add edges

    minimum_vertex_cover = bipartite_minimum_vertex_cover(G)
    # Output:
    # {2, 3, 7}

    maximum_independent_set = set(G) - minimum_vertex_cover
    # Output:
    # {1, 4, 5, 6, 8}

Example Graph



  • NetworkX (version >= 2.0)


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