
Tests against the publicly available interfaces (APIs, code, CLIs)

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

KCP Tests

This repository holds the kcp tests that tests against the publicly available interfaces (APIs, code, CLIs)


  • Git installed. See Installing Git
  • Golang installed. See Installing Golang,the newer the better. * Ensure you install Golang from a binary release found here, not with a package manager such as dnf
  • golint installed. See Installing golint
  • Have the environment variable KUBECONFIG set pointing to your cluster

Include new test folder

If you create a new folder for your test case, add the path to the include.go

Create go-bindata for new YAML files

If you have some new YAML files used in your code, you have to generate the bindata first. Run make update to update the bindata. For example, you can see the bindata has been updated after running the make update as follows:

$ git status
	modified:   test/extended/testdata/bindata.go
	new file:   test/extended/testdata/olm/etcd-subscription-manual.yaml

Compile the executable binary

Note that we use the go module for package management, the previous go path is deprecated.

$ git clone git@github.com:openshift/openshift-tests-private.git
$ cd openshift-tests-private/
$ make build
mkdir -p "bin"
export GO111MODULE="on" && export GOFLAGS="" && go build -o "bin" "./cmd/extended-platform-tests"
$ ls -hl ./bin/extended-platform-tests 
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 cloud-user cloud-user 165M Jun 24 22:17 ./bin/extended-platform-tests


Below are the general steps for submitting a PR to master branch. First, you should Fork this repo to your own Github account.

$ git remote add <Your Name> git@github.com:<Your Github Account>/openshift-tests-private.git
$ git pull origin master
$ git checkout -b <Branch Name>
$ git add xxx
$ git diff master --name-only |grep ".go$"| grep -v "bindata.go$" | xargs -n1 golint
  Please fix all golint error
$ git diff master --name-only |grep ".go$"| grep -v "bindata.go$" | xargs gofmt -s -l
  Please fix all gofmt error, running 'gofmt -s -d [file_path]' or autocorrect with 'gofmt -s -w [file_path]'
$ git add xxx
$ make build
$ ./bin/extended-platform-tests run all --dry-run |grep <Test Case ID>|./bin/extended-platform-tests run -f -
$ git commit -m "xxx"
$ git push <Your Name> <Branch Name>:<Branch Name>

And then there will be a prompt in your Github repo console to open a PR, click it to do so.

Run the automation test case

The binary finds the test case via searching for the test case title. It searches the test case titles by RE (Regular Expression). So, you can filter your test cases by using grep. Such as, if I want to run all OLM test cases, and all of them contain the OLM letter, I can use the grep OLM to filter them, as follows:

$ ./bin/extended-platform-tests run all --dry-run | grep "OLM" | ./bin/extended-platform-tests run -f -
I0624 22:48:36.599578 2404223 test_context.go:419] Tolerating taints "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" when considering if nodes are ready
"[sig-operators] OLM for an end user handle common object Author:kuiwang-Medium-22259-marketplace operator CR status on a running cluster [Exclusive] [Serial]"

You can save the above output to a file and run it:

$ ./bin/extended-platform-tests run -f <your file path/name>

If you want to run a test case, such as g.It("Author:jiazha-Critical-23440-can subscribe to the etcd operator [Serial]", since the TestCaseID is unique, you can do:

$ ./bin/extended-platform-tests run all --dry-run|grep "23440"|./bin/extended-platform-tests run --junit-dir=./ -f -


Keep generated temporary project

Sometime, we want to keep the generated namespace for debugging. Just add the Env Var: export DELETE_NAMESPACE=false. These random namespaces will be kept, like below:

Dec 18 09:39:33.448: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on all nodes
Dec 18 09:39:33.448: INFO: Waiting up to 7m0s for all (but 100) nodes to be ready
Dec 18 09:39:33.511: INFO: Found DeleteNamespace=false, skipping namespace deletion!
Dec 18 09:39:33.511: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on node 1
1 pass, 0 skip (2m50s)
[root@preserve-olm-env openshift-tests-private]# oc get ns
NAME                                               STATUS   AGE
default                                            Active   4h46m
e2e-test-olm-a-a92jyymd-lmgj6                      Active   4m28s
e2e-test-olm-a-a92jyymd-pr8hx                      Active   4m29s

Print cluster event on Terminal

When you execute cases, there are some cluster event which is printed to the terminal, like


Mar 30 03:57:36.435 I ns/openshift-kube-controller-manager pod/kube-controller-manager-ip-10-0-190-60.ec2.internal created SCC ranges for e2e-test-olm-common-l21c9cfo-g6xwx namespace
Mar 30 03:57:47.894 W ns/openshift-marketplace pod/marketplace-operator-5cf7b79dd4-xsffg node/ip-10-0-247-215.ec2.internal graceful deletion within 30s
Mar 30 03:57:48.097 I ns/openshift-marketplace pod/marketplace-operator-5cf7b79dd4-xsffg Stopping container marketplace-operator

Someone does not want it on the terminal, but someone wants it for debugging.

So, we add environment variable ENABLE_PRINT_EVENT_STDOUT to enable it.

In default, it does not print the cluster event on the terminal when you execute the case on your terminal.

Compile the executable binary

Note that we use the go module for package management, the previous go path is deprecated.

$ git clone git@github.com:openshift/openshift-tests-private.git
$ cd openshift-tests-private/
$ make build
mkdir -p "bin"
export GO111MODULE="on" && export GOFLAGS="" && go build -o "bin" "./cmd/extended-platform-tests"
$ ls -hl ./bin/extended-platform-tests 
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 cloud-user cloud-user 165M Jun 24 22:17 ./bin/extended-platform-tests

Run the automation test case

The binary finds the test case via searching for the test case title. It searches the test case titles by RE (Regular Expression). So, you can filter your test cases by using grep. Such as, if I want to run all OLM test cases, and all of them contain the OLM letter, I can use the grep OLM to filter them, as follows:

$ ./bin/extended-platform-tests run all --dry-run | grep "OLM" | ./bin/extended-platform-tests run -f -
I0624 22:48:36.599578 2404223 test_context.go:419] Tolerating taints "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" when considering if nodes are ready
"[sig-operators] OLM for an end user handle common object Author:kuiwang-Medium-22259-marketplace operator CR status on a running cluster [Exclusive] [Serial]"

You can save the above output to a file and run it:

$ ./bin/extended-platform-tests run -f <your file path/name>

If you want to run a test case, such as g.It("Author:jiazha-Critical-23440-can subscribe to the etcd operator [Serial]", since the TestCaseID is unique, you can do:

$ ./bin/extended-platform-tests run all --dry-run|grep "23440"|./bin/extended-platform-tests run --junit-dir=./ -f -


Keep generated temporary project

Sometime, we want to keep the generated namespace for debugging. Just add the Env Var: export DELETE_NAMESPACE=false. These random namespaces will be kept, like below:

Dec 18 09:39:33.448: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on all nodes
Dec 18 09:39:33.448: INFO: Waiting up to 7m0s for all (but 100) nodes to be ready
Dec 18 09:39:33.511: INFO: Found DeleteNamespace=false, skipping namespace deletion!
Dec 18 09:39:33.511: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on node 1
1 pass, 0 skip (2m50s)
[root@preserve-olm-env openshift-tests-private]# oc get ns
NAME                                               STATUS   AGE
default                                            Active   4h46m
e2e-test-olm-a-a92jyymd-lmgj6                      Active   4m28s
e2e-test-olm-a-a92jyymd-pr8hx                      Active   4m29s

Print cluster event on Terminal

When you execute cases, there are some cluster event which is printed to the terminal, like


Mar 30 03:57:36.435 I ns/openshift-kube-controller-manager pod/kube-controller-manager-ip-10-0-190-60.ec2.internal created SCC ranges for e2e-test-olm-common-l21c9cfo-g6xwx namespace
Mar 30 03:57:47.894 W ns/openshift-marketplace pod/marketplace-operator-5cf7b79dd4-xsffg node/ip-10-0-247-215.ec2.internal graceful deletion within 30s
Mar 30 03:57:48.097 I ns/openshift-marketplace pod/marketplace-operator-5cf7b79dd4-xsffg Stopping container marketplace-operator

Someone does not want it on the terminal, but someone wants it for debugging.

So, we add environment variable ENABLE_PRINT_EVENT_STDOUT to enable it.

In default, it does not print the cluster event on the terminal when you execute the case on your terminal.

if you want it for debugging, please set export ENABLE_PRINT_EVENT_STDOUT=true before executing the case. if you want it for debugging, please set export ENABLE_PRINT_EVENT_STDOUT=true before executing the case.