
Budgets for schools are huge, complex, and not standardized. Hundredds of hours each year are spent manually labelling. Goal: Build a machine learning algorithm that can automate the process

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Introduction to the Challange

Budgets for schools are huge, complex, and not standardized. Hundredds of hours each year are spent manually labelling.

Goal: Build a machine learning algorithm that can autiomate the process


  1. Line-item: text description of each item
  2. 9 Target variables: labels like ‘Textbooks’, ‘Math’, ‘Middle School’ Supervised classification problem.

We want to build a human-in-loop machine learning system. We don’t want to make direct prediction on whether each item is A or B, but want to say that “we are 60% sure that is belongs to A. If not, we are 30% sure it belongs to B…”.

Performance Measurement The metric used in this problem is log loss. It is a loss function and a measure of error. Our goal is to minimize the error with our model.

*Log Loss for binary classification The function sets that it is better to be less confident than confident and wrong, i.e., a high probability is assigned to the incorrect class.

To Do Better NLP: stemming, stop-word removel

Model: RandomForest, k-NN, Naive Bayes

Numeric Preprocessing: Imputation strategies

Optimization: Grid search over pipeline objects

Experiment with new scikit-learn techniques