
Lampo is developed to run appium mobile automation scripts on mobile devices connected to remote machines. It also aims at allowing users to interact with remotely connected devices for manual testing.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Lampo v2.0 - The Mobile Device Lab

Lampo is developed to run appium mobile automation scripts on mobile devices connected to remote machines. It also aims at allowing users to interact with remotely connected devices for manual testing.

Here, we have a master-slave architecture where anyone can attach their machines as slaves to master and share their devices with anyone within the organisation to use remotely and all the devices are managed centrally by the master application. These attached devices can be used for both automation and manual testing.

Note: Master and Slave can be installed on the same machine or separate machines. It is recommended to have it on separate machines.


  • Use mobile devices for running automated tests using Appium and Selenium Grid.
  • Use mobile devices for manual testing using OpenSTF.
  • Currently limited to android devices for manual testing.
  • Run automated tests on both android and iOS devices.
  • Limiting devices to a team and avoid starvation when running automated tests.
  • View summary of number of automated test session created by each team and duration .
  • Video recording of test session using Flick.
  • Host iOS and android app files from within the application.


Install - Master


Java 8

Please follow the link for installing Oracle JDK 8 or link for AdoptJDK / Temurin.


Please follow the link for installing RabbitMQ.

For installation on Mac, run the following commands from terminal:

brew update
brew install rabbitmq

For enabling the rabbitmq service to run in background in Mac, run the following command:

brew services start rabbitmq 

Run the following commands to create an user for remote connect:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
rabbitmqctl add_user connect connect
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / connect ".*" ".*" ".*"
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags connect administrator

Please follow the link for installing MongoDB Community Server.

For installation on Mac, run the following commands from terminal:

brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community

For enabling the mongodb service to run in background in Mac, run the following command:

brew services start mongodb-community

Building the Master Application

cd master && ./gradlew clean build bootWar

Running the Master Application

Once the application is built successfully, build/libs/master.war will be created. Run the following command to start the master application:

java -jar build/libs/master.war

Note: Make sure rabbitmq and mongodb services are up and running.

This command can be run in background using the following command:

java -jar build/libs/master.war > master.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &

Overridable Configurations

Property Description Default Value
custom.reap_sessions.enabled reaping dead session that are not active or terminated false
custom.max_session_duration maximum run time of each test session in seconds 900
custom.session.wait_timeout maximum duration of inactivity or idle timeout in seconds before a session is terminated 180
custom.session.polling_timeout maximum time to wait for allocation or finding a matching node with given capabilities 300
cron.reap_long_running_sessions cron expresssion for checking long running sessions */30 * * * * ?
cron.check_grid_service cron expression for checking the health of grid service */15 * * * * ?
cron.reap_dead_sessions cron expression for checking on the dead or inactive or terminated sessions */15 * * * * ?
custom.upload_dirs directory to which the apps should be uploaded to when using the uploader files

Note: All the above configurations can be overridden by passing them when launching the application from commandline as well by prefixing --key=value or by sending as JVM argument (-Dkey=value).

Creating Background Service

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
        <string>Lampo Device Lab Master</string>
        <true />
        <true />

For enabling the service:

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/lampo-master.plist

Sample master.bash

echo "--------- starting services ---------"
cd /usr/local/share/tools/mobile-device-lab/master
lsof -nti:$port | xargs kill -9
java -Dserver.port=${port} -Dcustom.session.wait_timeout=${session_wait_timeout} -Dspring.main.allow-circular-references=true -jar master.war
Linux / Ubuntu

Add the following content in /etc/systemd/system/lampo-master.service

Description=Lampo Device Lab Master 



For enabling and restarting the service

sudo systemctl enable lampo-master
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service lampo-master restart

Sample master.bash

echo "--------- starting services ---------"
cd /usr/local/share/tools/mobile-device-lab/master
fuser -k ${port}/tcp
java -Dserver.port=${port} -Dcustom.session.wait_timeout=${session_wait_timeout} -Dspring.main.allow-circular-references=true -jar master.war

Install - Slave


Java 8

Please follow the link for installing Oracle JDK 8 or link for AdoptJDK / Temurin.

Android SDK
  • Install Android Studio from https://developer.android.com/studio
  • From SDK Manager → SDK Tools, install Android Emulator, Android SDK Platform-Tools, Android SDK Tools
  • From AVD Manager → Create New Virtual Device, if required Once this installation is done, Android Studio is not required anymore. It can be removed.


  • Make sure ANDROID_HOME environment variable is set. To know the path, open Android Studio → Configure (appear on lower bottom corner) → SDK Manager → Copy Android SDK Location

  • Default Location for ANDROID_HOME is /opt/android-sdk which can by set as a soft link using sudo ln -s /path/android-sdk /opt/android-sdk

Node Version Manager

Please follow the link to install nvm or execute the following commands from terminal.

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.37.2/install.sh | bash

Depending on the profile file ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.bashrc, add the following code in that file:

export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
Xcode for iOS Automation

Xcode can be installed from App Store or https://developer.apple.com/download/ on your Mac machine.


We will be using node version 14.5.0 for appium installation.

  • For installing node version 14.5.0, run the following command:

      nvm install 14.5.0 


    • Slave application is tested for node version 14.5.0, but higher version can also be used at own risk.

    • Changing the version of node from 14.5.0 willl require source code change of slave as well in slave/src/main/resources/scripts/wd-session.bash.

  • For switching to node version 14.5.0, run the following command:

      nvm use --delete-prefix v14.5.0 
  • For installing appium, please follow the link or execute the following commands from terminal:

      npm -g install appium
  • For iOS devices on Mac:

      brew install ideviceinstaller ios-deploy carthage
  • Optional Dependencies for iOS Devices:

      brew tap facebook/fb
      brew install fbsimctl --HEAD

Flick offers video recording of mobile device. Run the following command for installing:

   gem install flick

Flick supports android real devices, android emulators, iOS real devices only. iOS simulators are not supported.


Please follow the link for installing stf.

For installation on Mac, please run the following commands from terminal:

brew install rethinkdb graphicsmagick zeromq protobuf yasm pkg-config

For enabling the rethinkdb service to run in background in Mac, run the following command:

brew services start rethinkdb

For installing stf, run the following command;

nvm use --delete-prefix v8.16.1 
npm install -g @devicefarmer/stf

Note: Node version 8.16.1 is being used for stf. Please check OpenSTF documentation to check if higher version of node can we used.

Building the Slave Application

cd slave && ./gradlew clean build bootWar

Running the Slave Application

Once the application is built, will be created build/libs/remote-slave-app.war. Run the following command to launch and attach the slave to master.

java -jar build/libs/remote-slave-app.war --master.host=

Creating Background Service

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
        <string>Lampo Device Lab Slave</string>
        <true />
        <true />

For enabling the service:

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/lampo-slave.plist

Sample slave.bash

echo "--------- starting services -----------"
cd /usr/local/share/tools/lampo/slave
adb kill-server && adb start-server
lsof -nti:${port} | xargs kill -9 
java -Dmaster.host=localhost -jar slave.war 
Linux / Ubuntu

Add the following content in /etc/systemd/system/lampo-slave.service

Description=Lampo Device Lab Slave 



For enabling and restarting the service

sudo systemctl enable lampo-slave
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service lampo-slave restart

Sample slave.bash

echo "--------- starting services -----------"
cd /usr/local/share/tools/lampo/slave
adb kill-server && adb start-server
fuser -k ${port}/tcp
java -Dmaster.host=localhost -jar slave.war 

Creating Background Service for STF

Refer to the background service creation of master/slave and just change the script file to the following:

Sample stf.bash



ps -ef | grep stf | grep -v bash | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | tr -s '\n' ' ' | xargs kill -9

nvm use --delete-prefix v$node_version --silent
export SCREEN_JPEG_QUALITY=$quality
stf local --cleanup false --public-ip $ip


Adding new configuration

BASE_URL - http://localhost:80

For restricting devices by team, add the following:

curl -iX POST 'BASE_URL/team' --header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "name" : "common",
    "jobs": {
    	"job_name": [ "device-udid" ]
    "devices" : {
        "android" : [ 
        "ios" : [ 

jobs is optional, to restrict the devices to a team and a specific job.

device-udid supports regex also.

Deleting a team configuration

curl -iX DELETE 'BASE_URL/team/<team-name>'

Usage - Creating Appium Driver

Custom Capabilities that needs to be additionally added.

| Capability | Description | |:-------------:|:-------------:|:-------------:| | realDevice | to allocate real device or emulator (for android) or simulator (for ios) | | deviceName | finding a matching device with the given name | | platformVersion | finding a matching device with the given platform version | | clearUserData | clear user data from the matched device identified by given package or bundle id | | udid | finding a matching device with the given udid (device unique id) | | brand | finding a matching device with the given brand | | session.wait_timeout | maximum timeout for finding a matching device | | ci.user | requestor name | | ci.requestor_ip | requestor IP | | ci.team_name | requestor team name that should match the configured | | ci.job_link | CI job name (like jenkins job name using environment variable BUILD_URL) | | session.request_id | requestor unique request ID | | session.record_video | whether to record the video using Flick |

Creating Appium Driver (AndroidDriver or IOSDriver)

URL url = http://LAMPO_HOST:4444/wd/hub
AppiumDriver<MobileElement> driver = new AppiumDriver<>(url, capabilities)

Note: 4444 is selenium grid port

Appium logs will be present at, http://LAMPO_HOST/device/logs/<request-id>

Incase video recording is enabled (using capability session.record_video is set to true) for the test session, video will be present at, http://LAMPO_HOST/device/videos/<request-id>


Once both the applications are started successfully, open http://localhost to view the dashboard that displays the connected devices. If no slaves is connected to the master or slave(s) is connected but no devices are connected to the slave, then "No Device Available" wil be shown.

This page automatically refreshes every 5 seconds.

  • From the dashboard, we can upload and host the app and view them as well.
  • Dashboard shows all the devices connected across the slave machines.
  • Each device shows which team the device belongs to.
  • Incase there is any active test session using the connected device, it will be grayed out and the job link will be showing up along with the jenkins slave machine IP and the username.
  • Incase if someone accessing OpenSTF of any device, the person's name will be showing up.

APIs for Fetching Summary

  • For finding the summary on a specific date

      curl BASE_URL/summary/find?date=10-05-2022
  • For finding the summary between specific dates

      curl BASE_URL/summary/find_between?start=10-05-2022&end=16-05-2022
  • For finding the total summary between specific dates

      curl BASE_URL/summary/total_between?start=10-05-2022&end=16-05-2022


  • Make sure master and slave ports are able to communicate with each other.
  • Sometime devices on STF becomes inaccessible, restart the STF service in that case.