
This is a required project (phase 4 of the AirBnB Clone). It is a modification project that introduces the concept of using JavaScript and jQuery to make our web application dynamic.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a required project (phase 4 of the AirBnB Clone). It is a modification project that introduces the concept of using JavaScript and jQuery to make our web application dynamic.

Phase One - AirBnB Clone - The Console

The console is the first segment of the AirBnB project at Holberton School that will collectively cover fundamental concepts of higher level programming. The goal of AirBnB project is to eventually deploy our server a simple copy of the AirBnB Website(HBnB). A command interpreter is created in this segment to manage objects for the AirBnB(HBnB) website.

Functionalities of this command interpreter

  • Create a new object (ex: a new User or a new Place)
  • Retrieve an object from a file, a database etc...
  • Do operations on objects (count, compute stats, etc...)
  • Update attributes of an object
  • Destroy an object

Table of Content


This project is interpreted/tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS using python3 (version 3.4.3)


  • Clone this repository: git clone "https://github.com/alexaorrico/AirBnB_clone.git"
  • Access AirBnb directory: cd AirBnB_clone
  • Run hbnb(interactively): ./console and enter command
  • Run hbnb(non-interactively): echo "<command>" | ./console.py

File Descriptions

console.py - the console contains the entry point of the command interpreter. List of commands this console current supports:

  • EOF - exits console
  • quit - exits console
  • <emptyline> - overwrites default emptyline method and does nothing
  • create - Creates a new instance ofBaseModel, saves it (to the JSON file) and prints the id
  • destroy - Deletes an instance based on the class name and id (save the change into the JSON file).
  • show - Prints the string representation of an instance based on the class name and id.
  • all - Prints all string representation of all instances based or not on the class name.
  • update - Updates an instance based on the class name and id by adding or updating attribute (save the change into the JSON file).

models/ directory contains classes used for this project

base_model.py - The BaseModel class from which future classes will be derived

  • def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) - Initialization of the base model
  • def __str__(self) - String representation of the BaseModel class
  • def save(self) - Updates the attribute updated_at with the current datetime
  • def to_dict(self) - returns a dictionary containing all keys/values of the instance

Classes inherited from Base Model:

/models/engine directory contains File Storage class that handles JASON serialization and deserialization

file_storage.py - serializes instances to a JSON file & deserializes back to instances

  • def all(self) - returns the dictionary __objects
  • def new(self, obj) - sets in __objects the obj with key .id
  • def save(self) - serializes __objects to the JSON file (path:__file_path)
  • def reload(self) - deserializes the JSON file to __objects

/tests directory contains all unit test cases for this project

/test_models/test_base_model.py - Contains the TestBaseModel and TestBaseModelDocs classes TestBaseModelDocs class:

  • def setUpClass(cls)- Set up for the doc tests
  • def test_pep8_conformance_base_model(self) - Test that models/base_model.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_pep8_conformance_test_base_model(self) - Test that tests/test_models/test_base_model.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_bm_module_docstring(self) - Test for the base_model.py module docstring
  • def test_bm_class_docstring(self) - Test for the BaseModel class docstring
  • def test_bm_func_docstrings(self) - Test for the presence of docstrings in BaseModel methods

TestBaseModel class:

  • def test_is_base_model(self) - Test that the instatiation of a BaseModel works
  • def test_created_at_instantiation(self) - Test created_at is a pub. instance attribute of type datetime
  • def test_updated_at_instantiation(self) - Test updated_at is a pub. instance attribute of type datetime
  • def test_diff_datetime_objs(self) - Test that two BaseModel instances have different datetime objects

/test_models/test_amenity.py - Contains the TestAmenityDocs class:

  • def setUpClass(cls) - Set up for the doc tests
  • def test_pep8_conformance_amenity(self) - Test that models/amenity.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_pep8_conformance_test_amenity(self) - Test that tests/test_models/test_amenity.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_amenity_module_docstring(self) - Test for the amenity.py module docstring
  • def test_amenity_class_docstring(self) - Test for the Amenity class docstring

/test_models/test_city.py - Contains the TestCityDocs class:

  • def setUpClass(cls) - Set up for the doc tests
  • def test_pep8_conformance_city(self) - Test that models/city.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_pep8_conformance_test_city(self) - Test that tests/test_models/test_city.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_city_module_docstring(self) - Test for the city.py module docstring
  • def test_city_class_docstring(self) - Test for the City class docstring

/test_models/test_file_storage.py - Contains the TestFileStorageDocs class:

  • def setUpClass(cls) - Set up for the doc tests
  • def test_pep8_conformance_file_storage(self) - Test that models/file_storage.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_pep8_conformance_test_file_storage(self) - Test that tests/test_models/test_file_storage.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_file_storage_module_docstring(self) - Test for the file_storage.py module docstring
  • def test_file_storage_class_docstring(self) - Test for the FileStorage class docstring

/test_models/test_place.py - Contains the TestPlaceDoc class:

  • def setUpClass(cls) - Set up for the doc tests
  • def test_pep8_conformance_place(self) - Test that models/place.py conforms to PEP8.
  • def test_pep8_conformance_test_place(self) - Test that tests/test_models/test_place.py conforms to PEP8.
  • def test_place_module_docstring(self) - Test for the place.py module docstring
  • def test_place_class_docstring(self) - Test for the Place class docstring

/test_models/test_review.py - Contains the TestReviewDocs class:

  • def setUpClass(cls) - Set up for the doc tests
  • def test_pep8_conformance_review(self) - Test that models/review.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_pep8_conformance_test_review(self) - Test that tests/test_models/test_review.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_review_module_docstring(self) - Test for the review.py module docstring
  • def test_review_class_docstring(self) - Test for the Review class docstring

/test_models/state.py - Contains the TestStateDocs class:

  • def setUpClass(cls) - Set up for the doc tests
  • def test_pep8_conformance_state(self) - Test that models/state.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_pep8_conformance_test_state(self) - Test that tests/test_models/test_state.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_state_module_docstring(self) - Test for the state.py module docstring
  • def test_state_class_docstring(self) - Test for the State class docstring

/test_models/user.py - Contains the TestUserDocs class:

  • def setUpClass(cls) - Set up for the doc tests
  • def test_pep8_conformance_user(self) - Test that models/user.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_pep8_conformance_test_user(self) - Test that tests/test_models/test_user.py conforms to PEP8
  • def test_user_module_docstring(self) - Test for the user.py module docstring
  • def test_user_class_docstring(self) - Test for the User class docstring

Examples of use

(hbnb) help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  all  create  destroy  help  quit  show  update

(hbnb) all MyModel
** class doesn't exist **
(hbnb) create BaseModel
(hbnb) all BaseModel
[[BaseModel] (7da56403-cc45-4f1c-ad32-bfafeb2bb050) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 9, 50, 46, 772167), 'id': '7da56403-cc45-4f1c-ad32-bfafeb2bb050', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 9, 50, 46, 772123)}]
(hbnb) show BaseModel 7da56403-cc45-4f1c-ad32-bfafeb2bb050
[BaseModel] (7da56403-cc45-4f1c-ad32-bfafeb2bb050) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 9, 50, 46, 772167), 'id': '7da56403-cc45-4f1c-ad32-bfafeb2bb050', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 9, 50, 46, 772123)}
(hbnb) destroy BaseModel 7da56403-cc45-4f1c-ad32-bfafeb2bb050
(hbnb) show BaseModel 7da56403-cc45-4f1c-ad32-bfafeb2bb050
** no instance found **
(hbnb) quit


No known bugs at this time.


Alexa Orrico - Github / Twitter
Jennifer Huang - Github / Twitter

Second part of Airbnb: Joann Vuong

Phase Three - AirBnB Clone - Web API

Thank you Alexa Orrico, Jennifer Huang, and Joann Vuong for the wonderful efforts and work done with the on-going AirBnB clone project. It is highly appreciated and we are immersely grateful to have your work as a foundation for us to build more on the version 3 of the AirBnB clone project.

In the next phase of this project, we (Dukeson and Bright), will be working on the RESTful API part of this project using Flask web framework.

What is a RESTful API?

REST is an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer. This is a technique or purposeful way to induce performance, scalability, simplicity, modifiability, visibility, reliability and portability to transfer of resources between servers and clients or between application that share resources amongst themselves.

API is an acronym for Application Programming Inteface. This is an agreed upon interface or logic through which data can be shared between two or more systems (clients-servers, two or more programming languages) using a uniform form. The most agrred upon format will be XML/JSON with JSON being the widely used format.

The RESTful API is used mainly to request so that there is a smooth/uniform/reliable/simple way of transferring and retrieving resources to and from a client-server request.

There are 6 constraints to RESTful API which includes:

Uniform Interface

Defines the interface between clients-servers which can be split into smaller parts


  • GET: reads representation of a resource (getting all results or a specific result)
  • POST: creates a new resource
  • PUT: updates an existing specific resource
  • DELETE: removes an existing resource (removing a specific existing resource or removing all existing resources)

URIs - Resource Names

  • GET /companies : path to listing all companies
  • GET /companies/123 : path to listing a company with id 123
  • GET /companies/123/addresses : path to listing all the addresses for a company with id 123
  • POST /companies : path to creating a new company resource
  • PUT /companies/123 : path to updating a company with the id of 123
  • DELETE /companies/123/addresses/3 : path to delete and address with the id of 3 from a company with an id of 123

HTTP Responses

  • 200 : Ok
  • 201 : created (after a POST request)
  • 401 : unauthorized
  • 403 : forbidden (client not allowed to access the resource)
  • 404 : not found (resource does not exist)
  • 500 : server error


The server does not store the state of the user/client information or request.


For improved performances, servers' reseponse are cacheable


There is a distinct difference between a client and a server. This is the reason RESTful API was introduced. The client does not bother about data storage and the server does not know who the client is.

Layered System

Clients can not get a direct connection to the server. There are underlying structural logic that relays shared cache with the client through a load balancer that serves as an intermediary between the client and the server. This can also be used to enforce some security policies.

Code on Demand

Servers can transfer logic to a client and allow clients to execute the logic eg. a javascript logic.


Python Scripts

  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files will be interpreted/compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using python3 (version 3.4.3)
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • The first line of all your files should be exactly #!/usr/bin/python3
  • A README.md file, at the root of the folder of the project, is mandatory
  • Your code should use the PEP 8 style (version 1.7)
  • All your files must be executable
  • The length of your files will be tested using wc
  • All your modules should have documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").__doc__)')
  • All your classes should have documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.__doc__)')
  • All your functions (inside and outside a class) should have documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").my_function.__doc__)' and python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.my_function.__doc__)')
  • A documentation is not a simple word, it’s a real sentence explaining what’s the purpose of the module, class or method (the length of it will be verified)

Python Unit Tests

  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • All your test files should be inside a folder tests
  • You have to use the unittest module
  • All your test files should be python files (extension: .py)
  • All your test files and folders should start by test_
  • Your file organization in the tests folder should be the same as your project: ex: for models/base_model.py, unit tests must be in: tests/test_models/test_base_model.py
  • All your tests should be executed by using this command: python3 -m unittest discover tests
  • You can also test file by file by using this command: python3 -m unittest tests/test_models/test_base_model.py


Dukeson Ehigboria - Github / Twitter
Bright Okon - Github

Phase Four - AirBnB Clone - Web Dynamic (JavaScript/jQuery)


Dukeson Ehigboria - Github / Twitter
Blessed Akhigbe - GitHub


Public Domain. No copy write protection.